My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!


Well-Known Member
sorry for the pain bro, you're a brave soldier.

whatver doesnt kill you mkes you stronger. so i am having a fucked up adventure where i can just get loaded if reality sinks in.

like the fact my apt reaks but i dont get my uv ozontor for a few days.

It;s always a party at camp poncho. i love that cartoon.


Well-Known Member
you could rep me. if you are a girl i will rep you. lol. this is the heroin talking. damn i gotta learn how to shoot up. i got my needle dn the damn internet instructions. but it is sees like I need a degree to do it.

rep is not supposed to be contest. but it gives a little light in ym miserble life. lol. I have to work tomorow.


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a whole day off opiates.

I left work early.

I have benaydryl and immodium for later.\

Right now I have a mountain og gabapentyn and some sativa I think good bud.

lost my glass pipe, lol.

got my one toke fake cigarette.

pain in legs unbearable. i ate all the meds early for christmas. hehe. happens every other month. now I got 3 days till they get here.

i am trying to go off altogether with my first crop harvest. that is in a month.

maybe i could do it now. i already am feeling out the cirty which I am a sorta returning home too for dope.

street dope. ow.

i am taking morphine sulphate oxycodone tramadol and gabapentyn a month. i take like 10mg of oxycodone ir, 60 to 90 mg of morphine sulphate, 400-500 mg of tramadol a day. some days i go overboard. seems to happen every other time. the weed helps.

hard to choose weed over pills. i used to though in high school. need to pick it up again. hehehehe

so i am just bored and sleepy. got problems with my grow:(. i dont want to deal with. lol. damn filters are failing. anyway,

i bet their a lot of me. withdrawing for a few days every other month. waiting till the pills get here.:fire:
I did what you are doing last year. I got fed up with the doctors and told them to shove the oxy and morphine.....
Just stop. I gave a doc I trusted 180, 60 mg morphine pills
and never looked back.

People do this shit daily (withdrawal). The docs made me addicted. I stopped it.


Well-Known Member
withdrawl? your taking like 10mg of codine a day is that even enough to become addicted? its like taking 2 perks :S i know people who take 40-80mg of codine a day. Thats an addiction.


Well-Known Member
I just found out my closest friend died.......He had alcohol neuropathy. Cirrhosis He was a Sargent major fought in 'nam
Toughest guy on earth. Not tougher than opiates. Let him bury his own sorry ass.
EHARMONY, first off, I've never heard of shooting H into the stomach. It's not an intramuscular kind of thing. It will create a "pocket" and a doctor will have to lance it and drain it. Damn dude, you're scaring me over here! Personally, I would stay away from sticking a needle anywhere, but if you feel you must, you gotta get into a vein. Second, if you really want to kick that shit, don't even consider Methadone, but look online for a doctor in your area that can prescribe "Suboxone." It's a brand name for Buprenorphene. Do some research on it. Trust me, it works very well, and may even save your life. Dude...NO MORE STOMACH INJECTIONS!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, If you are going to do this shit to yourself.
Get a body bag and zip yourself
3/4 of the way up. Then your family can just zip the last1/4.


Well-Known Member
lol, first off dont worry, it was just a lyer of skin that i was bored with. a joke on my part.

second it is oxycodone. codeine is a joke. oxycodone is better than god.

third. i am not that excited about the heroin. it is becsue i have to work and i cant go in with explosive diarhea and help my customers. immodium only goes so far.

yeah I was crapping a windstorm and feeling crappy.

I can kick it. it is not that serious. shit i was ok in fact. tonight. smoking weed. maybe a few more days. but i needed something besides gabapentyn for the pain. I aint crying wither team. it is more of an amusement to my old ass. i am 32 and i have seen myself so yellow i ws glowing. but that is all gone.

next month with my first harvest i am going off the opiates. i am just going to take trmadol and weed.

it seems pretty esy.

in relity guys i am a helth nut. dont even eat fst food. turned my life round or rather started doing some of the positive things you cn do for yourself tht we all her about but dont do.

I sobered up off lchol. the hardest drug n the world to kick. My opietas thing is still n infant.

thanks for stopping in. thanks for caring team,

uhh. remeber I just smoked a lot of h for the first time in my life. i might have sid some incongruent or worrisome things. i was also in a huge hurry. i was also a wounded gent who had been shitting every 10 minutes. gott rem dont et lot when you go off shit.