My home the Big Island.

I've got an old friend who has this place HolualoaProperty -- and if I were to start doing work for him on his website again I could use the property when I wish. Maybe I need to contact Bob again and ask if he needs help, eh? (He bought my computer and monitor in return for the work, so... :) ).

I've only flown through Hawaii's airport, and it was SO 70s it was a major Brady Bunch flashback. I have "island" in my heart, though, even if it's another ocean.

Thank you for sharing your little bit of heaven, Puna.
I've got an old friend who has this place HolualoaProperty -- and if I were to start doing work for him on his website again I could use the property when I wish. Maybe I need to contact Bob again and ask if he needs help, eh? (He bought my computer and monitor in return for the work, so... :) ).

I've only flown through Hawaii's airport, and it was SO 70s it was a major Brady Bunch flashback. I have "island" in my heart, though, even if it's another ocean.

Thank you for sharing your little bit of heaven, Puna.

Seamaiden, are you a web page builder?
The Hawaiian Islands are a semi tropical climate. This allows for all kinds of possibilities/ But normally Hawaii has two growing season to three growing seasons a year. Plus, if you're into fucking with 'mother nature' ,you can have four grow seasons in one year.
As a kid growing up on Maui we use to call the short season "90 day wonder weed", it always put Xmas money in our pockets at just the right moment!

Thats incredible. I guess ive never really read about growing in the tropics. i thought we had good weather here in cali but four seasons sounds way funner than one! the strain breeding possibilities are endless.
Those look beautiful plants.

I hope to retire somewhere nice some day, when I earn it I mean.

:peace:All in good time.:peace:

Seamaiden, are you a web page builder?
Nothing resembling a professional. That site was built entirely using FrontPage, and by the time we got to Bob to try to convince him that there are other, better programs to use, it was too late.

I built my own really stinky page when we had a log cabin up in Tahoe that I rented out as a vacation place for a while, though.
Thats incredible. I guess ive never really read about growing in the tropics. i thought we had good weather here in cali but four seasons sounds way funner than one! the strain breeding possibilities are endless.
Almost, but I've gotta tell ya, the colors I'm seeing on my girls as the weather cools off are spectacular. I kind of see Hawaii the same way I do Yosemite, which is that the sheer numbers of people will just fuck it up so I try to stay away and not add to the fray. Coulda done the Hoalua place, though.
Nothing resembling a professional. That site was built entirely using FrontPage, and by the time we got to Bob to try to convince him that there are other, better programs to use, it was too late.

I built my own really stinky page when we had a log cabin up in Tahoe that I rented out as a vacation place for a while, though.

Almost, but I've gotta tell ya, the colors I'm seeing on my girls as the weather cools off are spectacular. I kind of see Hawaii the same way I do Yosemite, which is that the sheer numbers of people will just fuck it up so I try to stay away and not add to the fray. Coulda done the Hoalua place, though.

I would have to agree with ya. Another plus to Hawaii. Where I'm growing my crop right now I'm at about 3500+Ft elevation. I stay in the 70-90's on any given day. Then at night due to the elevation here comes the cold night wind rolling down the mountain which takes temps to the low 60's but can take the temps to the 50's if not the low 40's on a cold day in the winter.

Amazing that I take a 20 minute drive and I can be growing at sea level. Love having the world climate on an Island :)

Only thing that sucks is the moisture from the day and sea breezes collects on the mountain and creates collected moisture which = clouds that block my sunlight from anywhere at 10am to 2 in the afternoon and everywhere in between.

Glad to see people still respect things. :mrgreen:
The Hawaiian Islands are a semi tropical climate. This allows for all kinds of possibilities/ But normally Hawaii has two growing season to three growing seasons a year. Plus, if you're into fucking with 'mother nature' ,you can have four grow seasons in one year.
As a kid growing up on Maui we use to call the short season "90 day wonder weed", it always put Xmas money in our pockets at just the right moment!

more going nuts outside!?

yah...there are some places in hawaii where if you go on one side of the mountain its desert....but if you go to the other side its a jungle.
yah...there are some places in hawaii where if you go on one side of the mountain its desert....but if you go to the other side its a jungle.

Not quite. A little broad but it has some truth to it.

Hey Puna, Had quite a scare yesterday. It was about 10am and im watching the Price is Right(such a classic) and I think I hear a helicopter. Next thing I know a helicopter flys right over my house on its way to a forest near my house. I was watching it and then 15 min later this Black MD-900 flys by to the same location.

The MD-900 is a DEA helicopter. Looked it up and the call numbers(N5646) say that its stationed in Hilo. Surprised to see it on Maui. But anyways, You see this helicopter Puna, start digging the DEA's coming.

N5646, 2002 Md Helicopter Inc MD 900

Also Found a great article on National Guard Soldiers helping law enforcement for drug eradication.

Pot Hunting

Scared the shit out of me. If only they knew :blsmoke:
yah...there are some places in hawaii where if you go on one side of the mountain its desert....but if you go to the other side its a jungle.

that is because the Hawaiian Islands are in a semi-tropical climate zone. If it was full on tropics like the Society Islands, the islands would be lush entirely around the islands. But because we are semi-tropical all west sides of all the islands are dry. Hence the name, the Leeward side. WEst side of Maui has some huge cactus growing along the coast near Honolua Bay. Simply beautiful!
Not quite. A little broad but it has some truth to it.

Hey Puna, Had quite a scare yesterday. It was about 10am and im watching the Price is Right(such a classic) and I think I hear a helicopter. Next thing I know a helicopter flys right over my house on its way to a forest near my house. I was watching it and then 15 min later this Black MD-900 flys by to the same location.

The MD-900 is a DEA helicopter. Looked it up and the call numbers(N5646) say that its stationed in Hilo. Surprised to see it on Maui. But anyways, You see this helicopter Puna, start digging the DEA's coming.

N5646, 2002 Md Helicopter Inc MD 900

Also Found a great article on National Guard Soldiers helping law enforcement for drug eradication.

Pot Hunting

Scared the shit out of me. If only they knew :blsmoke:

I was victimized in the mid 70's on Maui with friends & family. Helicopters came down right before daybreak. With rope ladders the National Guards repelled down to earth. Then the madness started. Cops screaming, National Guards yelling, my dogs barking...all hell broke loose! Threats from the NG. Telling me they are gonna shoot my dogs if I don't get them under control. In the end they took away close to 200 starters, plus numerous items of paraphernalia. In the end I felt like we were being invaded by another foreign country's army!
Dats my dream Puna. Retire in da Big Island, Build my dream pad, n grow monster trees. Howd u get ur med card? Alota confusion for me.
Oh and is it just me or is Big Island like the most chillaxed place ever? I LOVE it. Feel high just being over there. Deffinately not as hectic as oahu, even yni.
my wife and i weremarried on maui. love the islands. love the black sand beach and saw a volcano flow into the ocean. dope! hope it will be cheap when i retire...

Lahaina grown and Maui built right here!!

Shaka bruddah!! OO Weee Da Kine lol!! God I miss the Islands, no lunch plate on the mainlands lol.
