My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, looking good. Don't sweat the whole topping thing, even a dog could do it... seriously. When my plants were two weeks old, one of my dogs broke into the closet and munched on one of them. She broke the top off and ate it but ended up doing just as good a job as I could have. It's now one of my best plants. Looks like your three branch plant but with four:mrgreen: I would add that it had no effect on height, it's still my second tallest plant. I don't know anything about blueberry but saying that you HAVE to top it seems nonsense to me. Only other thing I would say is don't get too attached to your plants, I'm in the painful stage of killing males I've worked so hard to grow:cry: Check ya later.


Well-Known Member
Only other thing I would say is don't get too attached to your plants, I'm in the painful stage of killing males I've worked so hard to grow:cry: Check ya later.[/QUOTE]

Its gonna be hard for me to kill them.... I know it has to be done.
I am already attached... but thanks.

hey about the topping... do you recomend it?
does it really increase yields, cause from what I am hearing its pretty split the opinions on the matter.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I would avoid it if possible. I wouldn't have any topped plants if it weren't for the damn dog. I don't personally know if it increases yield but if you think about it the plant has the same amount of light and nutrient energy to use if you top it or not. I would think that topping just makes the plant split its energy supply and you end of with four smaller colas instead of one massive one.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is logical... I saw your grow...nice man! I am curious about what that coning tray was that I saw?
Where can I get... I figure its just a nursery thing that your now using for clones???
I have one of those if thats all it is... I planned on cloning in rockwool. Is that what it is?


Well-Known Member
my tips aren't brown anymore... that was two wees ago.. everything is straightened out now with that. take a look at the recent pics... those ladies are just green. just green.
I think that there is something special about weed that comes from the earth... But i had truble when I was younger trying to grow in it...grant it I had a antique lamp and a closet of aluminum foil...but hydro is more like a controllable formula... this plus that gets you etc. I like it... and now I am getting good results. I did just plant 5 plants in soil... a blueberry that didn't look s well a few afghan mafias and a bag seed.... we will see how they do....


Well-Known Member
So yeah I measured them yesterday and today they are two inches bigger....
I took away a row of books lowering my tray farther from the light.
I foliar fed with a very weak solution of two teaspoons progro in a gallon of water....Then right before or after the lights go out I mist them with co2 can of Vichy french mineral and salt enriched spring water.... I know..its rediculous ....after the main light goes out I leave the T5s on... 24hrs.... The 600wt mh goes out for 4 hours.
How could i forget to mention...That little runt Britney Spears.... after four fucking weeks of working out and she still looks like dumpy shit. This plant is pathetic.... I should clone sell its seeds


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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of nitrogen deficiency there. You still at 1000 ppms? What's in that hydroguard? I'm not familiar with it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of nitrogen deficiency there. You still at 1000 ppms? What's in that hydroguard? I'm not familiar with it.
i don't see anything to be alarmed about i thought they looked amazing today......where did you see that?

yeah still at 1000 ppm

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yellowing between the veins. You saw what happened to mine. Yours are way better than mine were in these pics so don't worry too much. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient and can move back into leaves. All the leaves in these pics, even that horrible looking one became green again.



Well-Known Member
i don't know.. the plant in the picture is my mutant and she always looked like that the other ones are all green. Also they turn dark green like that...none of them are yellow here just light green to dark in veins...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Mine got that way because I flushed them and didn't feed again for awhile. As soon as I gave them regular feeding, they were great again. What's strange is you have been giving 1000 ppm the whole time. I'm thinking that the hydroguard and other stuff is replacing the nutrients you need with other ppms. My water is 120 ppm and then I add either grow nutes or flower nutes and that's it. My end ppms have gone from 300 as seedling up to 900 now. So I would guess that the other stuff you're adding to the mix is giving you a false ppm count, meaning not enough nutrients. Just add a little more grow nute that has nitrogen in it.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
i don't know.. the plant in the picture is my mutant and she always looked like that the other ones are all green. Also they turn dark green like that...none of them are yellow here just light green to dark in veins...
Could just be the picture. A lot of people see different things in my pictures than I can see standing here in the room. Didn't mean to worry you. As long as they don't get any more yellow, everything's good.


Well-Known Member
no its cool... I think its just the pic.. because they really are not looking like anything is wrong here...I am sooo broke.. I wish I could speed things up...thinking about flowering early.


Well-Known Member
yu can order pot throungh this seed company... everything is overpriced or should i say taxed. but nice to know... let me know if you order from them and how it looking site thought... they also have mushrooms and kits.

So today my tallest plant grew two inches again...had to bring the tray down again another book...:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
My plants are really shooting up... around the end of the 3rd week they just took off..they grow 2 inches a day... well the tall ones anyway...
They are doing great
I have the res at 1000 ppms which have dropped down to like 970 since last wed...Is that normal should they be eating more?
They certainly do drink a lot of water....I add 2 gallons everyday... ph with a lemon and now I have the PH up to 6.3 . I read that a slightly higher Ph helps them to use more nutes....
The supplemental lighting is really paying off... the small plants around the edge...(oh yeah I moved them around. I figure if you haven't caught on yet then forget about it...) are growing like gangbusters to..
I am hanging these wire rings from the cielling to hold buds up when they develop.... I have two more with no grid in them but I haven't hung yet... I am starting flowering on sat.... this is like almost the middle of my 4th week
So take a look at my pics.. any yellowed dead end leaves...I know what happened... about 3 days ago maybe 4 my hose got clogged and so the plants didn't get any water for a while.(I don't know how long) when I checked on them one of them was wilted bad...coincidentally it was my largest plant... now another has caught up to her... Her name is Oprah.
Pretty sure she is a widow. in the pic she is the tallest on the far right...
So if you remember I had a Tomato plant growing in with my 20 plants... It has started to develop flowers.... weird...I thought the tomato grow season was just as long as cannabis... I guess not.. It is also choked out by the monster plants around it...
My baby plants in veg are doing good too. Remember how I put 5 plants in soil....well they have gnats in them I killed about 5 today... all that I saw.. and I know that the gnats came from the soil in the bag cause I saw them. the gnats really aren't messing with my hydro plants.... anything I can do?
I wrapped some planned cuttings in black electrical tape planning to take cuttings in my 6th week 2nd week of flowering... I put the tape to encourage root etiolation... Then I will cut and rt in rock wool with a dip in Vita Grow Rooting compound first.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT DUDE!!! Your plants grew fast as fuck! That was even faster than I expected. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Don't worry about what's normal for ppms. I was told at one point during veg that I "should" be doing 1000 ppms but anytime I pushed it over 700 they would start to burn. So I never went over 850 the entire time and they grew nice. Just watch the plants for discolorations and do what feels right. Are you measuring the runoff ppms?

You should definitely clone before going into flower. Clones off plants in flower take longer to root and are therefore more difficult to keep alive.

Overall all I can say is :clap:


Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT DUDE!!! Your plants grew fast as fuck! That was even faster than I expected. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Don't worry about what's normal for ppms. I was told at one point during veg that I "should" be doing 1000 ppms but anytime I pushed it over 700 they would start to burn. So I never went over 850 the entire time and they grew nice. Just watch the plants for discolorations and do what feels right. Are you measuring the runoff ppms?

You should definitely clone before going into flower. Clones off plants in flower take longer to root and are therefore more difficult to keep alive.

Overall all I can say is :clap:
thanks sooo much... feels good... you know what you were saying about doing what feels right... weird, cause I was thinking about how now after just 4 weeks of growing I am so in tune with my plants.. I can totally get like vibes and messages about their health...i don't know its a weird like psychic connection with the plants..( I have been thinking I was just really stoned but then you said that and it made me think maybe everyone that grows can read the plants like that..) like before you grow the plants around you are just plants, almost like inanimate objects... but after you start growin some shit up they all become like animals...does that make sense? i hope so...
anyways... ok about the ppms should I increase the ppms before I flower or just leave them alone if everything is good?

I found a air pump and air stone from an old aquarium in my storage closet... so I set up a DWC for two bag seeds that I germinated....get this on the filter on the top of my active aquarium... I just threw some seeds n there from my smoke and they popped. wasn't trying to...
one day when i make some mney i would like to look into aquaponics.

anyways...thanks a lot for the feedback.... the applause was great.... never saw that one... how are things going for you?:weed:


Well-Known Member
they are so big now
i remember when they were little seedlings
cant wait till you flower cause mine has small buds already!!