My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine


Well-Known Member
I am somehow stealing internet but it might shut off...
so here are the pics and a quick explination...
the out of the original plants only four have positively budded female...
I have a couple of other ones still in there that haven't done anything yet...

I did add some plants to the flowering chamber from the veg so the shorter ones in the front are blueberry and exodus from my veg.
they haven't done anything yet cause I just put them in there.

But my diesel lowryder is the shit!!!!
I plan to grow much more of that plant. I would definitely reccomend this dream plant to any beginner... Its the easiest fucking plant to grow and the smallest. Seriously I have a diesel lowryder that is no larger than my hand flowering with buds on it... It auto flowered after like three and a half to four weeks from seed. the other is a little larger and is already covered with buds... I don't know how big these buds are gonna get but they are cool because I still have the plants under 24 hours light. So they are growing super fast and super small. I left them in my veg chamber cause why the hell not you know. ok so excuse the pics if some suck... no time to edit...



Well-Known Member
this company for my internet is a bunch of retards... they couldn't even turn it off properly. they sucked from the beginning and in the after life.

if you would like to post a reply on my board to the person who stole your car. I would welcome that. Just let it all out.

I forgot to say the good part of my experience growing that kind of balanced out my having to kill 70% of my grow. The plant that I named monster in the beginning because of how it grew real bushy and split into many different colas...well it turned out to be female... that plant is like at least the size of three plants. And I have many pictures of it from birth documenting every step...also out of all my clones, Monster's clones survived. So I have clones of her three in my veg chamber. I learned a lot from my first grow...if I can just suggest that different plants react differently to feeding schedules, they all want something different, its really hard to follow a feeding schedule that is designed for god knows what plants. You have to feel out your plants learn how to read them, back the hell off and give them some space to respond. start with a feeding schedule and change one thing at a time untill you get positive results. Then do that until you feel comfortable experimenting again. keep doing that to fine tune your own schedule. :hump::hump::hump::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
wow who knew i would learn about patience from growing...
i am being tortured, i want so badly to smoke these buds...mostly cause i am broke... i have four white widows flowering... and three blue berries...and one exodus...and two diesel lowryders. hells fuckin yeah.

pictures coming soon...

so excited... thinking to sell my veg chamber and buy another one later... i start a new job on monday so my financial woes will subside soon....


Well-Known Member
whassup buddy? good luck for the best harvest dude!!
hey during finals i lost count of how many weeks along my plants are if anyone knows let me know please.

thanks cheetah i hope it is good as one of yours.

everynight i pray that god will let my harvest look like urs.:joint::joint::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahaha....... i hope it's better than shit is crap...rememba?? ur talkin bout euro 2008 finals? go go germany!


Well-Known Member
my bat died on the camera so I am only able to show you the flowering chamber it is I think the end of week 2 flowering...

don't forget that I also have two diesel lowryders flowering in my veg.... and I have a afghan bush....(not flowering) but it is seriously a bush, I will post pics tomorrow...can't wait to start flowering that bush.

ok so my three blue berry's i had flowering have started showing hairs... I had to toss the exodus it was male...
and luckily i caught one of the runt plants had started to flower and it was male...

I replaced the exodus with another blue berry from my veg chamber.

I have the ppms at 900 in both chambers

i have the hang of it now... I know what to do...

sorry the pics arent better i was rushing before the bat died.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Got that internet back I see. Awesome, yours is one of my favorite journals to follow. I'm happy for you to get some females. That blueberry is going to be some ill dank. I forgot what kind of nutes you're using. I started using Overdrive in week 5. It's an Advance Nutrients product. It's 1-5-4 and you substitute it for half of the regular Bloom formula. Basically it drops your nitrogen way down and brings your phosphorous and potassium way up. You wouldn't want to use something like that until flower week 5 but I bring it up because it made my buds explode!!! The white hairs stage you're in now seems to take forever but once you get to week 4/5 shit really starts to pop off. Looking like a real nice jungle of green you got. I can't wait to see your lowryder.


Well-Known Member
eyy man your girls are looking great. Im glad that you got back to posting. How much longer do you figure to choping day?


Well-Known Member
ok so i finally got some time to take pics of everything...
funny news, remember Britanny plant...
well. she flowered, she is still looking rediculous but at least now she is doing something right. she is only like five inches tall. lol
whats up Mared!? was wondering where you were!
I saw your plants and those massive buds! I am fucking sad little buds.,.:( they look rediculous next to

We shall see what happens...
Whats up credenza, cheetah!
I always give shout outs! lol

ok so check the pics tell me whats up...
I stopped measuring... I am jut checking the ppms and the ph...
every so called feeding schedule was shit and so I am just watching the aura of the plants and giving them what they need. lol

Check my afghan bush and those sick fucking roots. the roots are like that cause I ebb and flow every 15 minutes... the oxygen is sick...

So enjoy you fucking pot heads! lol:hump::hump::hump::hump::joint::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::confused::hump::hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
over all pretty happy with whats popping up...
def will be growing more of that diesel lowryder if they get more fem seeds back in at the attitude will be getting from there.. I plan to try and cut only the bods off and try to keep growing the plant but I don't know how it will work cause they plant is not technically in a flowering light cycle, I hav the plants on 20/4... the plant s are only a foot tall . I fucking know!lol
the buds so far are bigger than my white widdows which are 4 weeks ahead.


Well-Known Member
so what i learned...
if you change your nutes to bloom or flowering nutes and not change the light cycle your plants will still flower. wow!

I didn't know that... my afghan mafia bush is flowering at 20/4
I had to throw the other afghan away it was male.

So now I have 11 plants flowering 12 if you count britney spears.

I am starting a new job tomorrow... one day soon i gonna be mutha fuckin rich dough!

I have successfully eliminated all the bitch ass males from my crew...
Now I just have dem sluts...

I am really excited about my blue berries... they are such strong plants, much more fun to grow than those horrible white widdows which i will never grow again, they are very timid and fragile, not easy to grow... or at least the pathetic seeds that I got... All of the seeds that came from the attitude are great though.

The only negative to the dwarf auto flowering strands is that you can not regenerate or clone.
You have to start from seeds everytime. But they are always sold out so people are seeing the positives to this short genetic miracle.

I played some music for my plants in the flowering chamber... I played the clockwork orange soundtrack... they like it... were swayin and such
I am still misting with water... I am not going to continue when the buds get bigger cause of mold i know.

i was talkin to this chick that tried to tell me to put her menstral blood in my ress, i told her to go somewhere with that nasty trick ass shit.:spew::spew::spew:

People are sick... they just want an excuse to do some nasty ass experiments... Alls I know is my flowering chamber is right next to my bed, and so help me god if i am gonna lay there smellin her fire water. hell no.

so... anyway, i am happy to see a light at the end of this long fucking tunnel.

i remember it seemed like just a few weeks ago i was flipping out and punching my male plants like Amy Winehouse's fans... now my ladies are all grown up and sexy... Daddy's gonna get first taste of dem bitch's!!! FOSURE!:joint::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, we both made it through the toughest hurdles I think. I'm glad that I won't have to deal with some of them again with the clones. That shit about putting menstrual mess in the rez made me gag. That's fucking disgusting. But 11 flowering plants, doesn't sound like you really need that job. That's going to be a shitload of dank. Keep it green.


Well-Known Member
i hope it is a shit load of dank... worried about the bud production on the white widdows... they were stressed remember and the buds are like scattered along the branches. mared... can you get a p.o. box so we can try each others grow? lol