My huge screw up... Pics

My big screw up.. Ok I'm flipping tonight at 6.. so I decided to check for light leaks... which I should have done first..:neutral:

Well first fuck up.. I decided to spray paint the windows one more time just to make sure the room was pitch black... Well The plants didn't like the spray paint at all... Fuck, I thought I had enough ventation... Well a couple of fan leaves started to turn sideways. I knew I had made a mistake at this a point:oops:

Well next I was moving a box fan to get the other window.. Well I dropped it:dunce:

Took out a big chocolate trip... F'ing BS.. So I staked it up and tried to tape the stem where it cracked.... Within 30 minutes I had lost it.....:(

Well you think you could not make any mistakes... Well leave that up to me.. I went into the room and closed the door to see if I got rid of all the leaks.. well when I closed the door I tripped on my large train wreck mom.... Taking out a main branch.... lol......Well instead of trying to fix it this time. I just cut it into clones.... But im about to flip and I didn't have time to make a veg room.. so the cuts well be on the same hours as everything else



dude that blows,

Practice makes perfect, only way to learn.

Good luck next time.
I didn't lose

Just the one plant...

I have plenty more.. and the fumes from the spray paint didn't harm them really at all.. Just me freaking out



I didn't lose

Just the one plant...

I have plenty more.. and the fumes from the spray paint didn't harm them really at all.. Just me freaking out

Oh nice, those first pictures werent looking to promising.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Were you high when you were doing this? You sound as clumbsy as my sister. We have a special name for her when she gets that way. I won't post it here for anonimity purposes. Sucks when stupid things happen doesn't it? I lost my whole first grow because I had to leave my girls. I couldn't find anybody to babysit them. Looks like they'll be fine though. I'm surprised you didn't have your room prepared before you started to grow that much?
well the reason is because Im fixing up a very large house on over a 1000 acres.. just finished the guest house.. But anyways I don't plan on staying here all that long.. Im a big outdoor grower.. I don't have enough space inside to make me happy.. But I'm running low on buds so I decided to use a 60 year old shed to grow in while its winter... I have grown inside before but only about 5 times.. This was a quick throw together.. not that Im all that clumsy..I just didn't have any room I have 30+ plants on a 3.6 to 6 foot yield is all I care about... maybe my down fall? but the room is cluster fucked! I can walk in it or anything.. Its about as big as a small walk in
Wow! Were you high when you were doing this? You sound as clumbsy as my sister. We have a special name for her when she gets that way. I won't post it here for anonimity purposes. Sucks when stupid things happen doesn't it? I lost my whole first grow because I had to leave my girls. I couldn't find anybody to babysit them. Looks like they'll be fine though. I'm surprised you didn't have your room prepared before you started to grow that much?


Active Member
they looked fatal at the start but looks like theyve recovered well dude treat them like your kids lol!!!