Man I am racking my brain trying to come up with a balanced ph buffered organic medium.
I was thumbing through my Jorge Cervantes grow bible last night. And Apparently Calcitic Lime
is the same as quicklime. Which is caustic and can be toxic to plants and doesn't buffer the ph
like dolomite lime does. And worm castings contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium,
and magnesium. So I think I'll replace the bat guano with this:
Leave out the Sul-Po-Mag and add Dolomite Lime.
Ok here goes! My final re-reworked version of "The Ultimate Growing Medium"
Hydro-Organic Growing Medium Recipe
Cocotek Natural Mixed Brick---------------16 Gallons
FoxFarm Big and Chunky Perlite------------8 Gallons
General Organics Ancient Forest Humus----4.8 Gallons
Roots Organic's Big Worm----------------- 3.2 Gallons
Espoma Flower-Tone----------------------4.0 oz
Espoma Garden Lime----------------------2.0 oz-9.0 oz Depending on acidity of soil
Azomite----------------------------------2 Cups
General Hydroponics Subculture B----------2.5 Tbsp
General Hydroponics Subculture M---------5 Tbsp
I'm not sure but I think you would have to leave out the General Organics Ancient Forest Humus to make it completely soil-less. I thought it would help the beneficial Bacteria and mycorrhizae fungi. And you can leave out all the fertilizers if you prefer to provide all nutrients by liquid hydroponic fertilizers (I recommend General Organics). Other wise just use this for the first 2-4 weeks