my indoor grow 3 plants 1 30 watt cfl


Well-Known Member
The guy can't afford CFL's and splitters, yet you tell him to tear out his only reflective material on hand? That makes no sense. You went and told him it was hurting his plants, not that it was less than optimal. Phrasing people, think about your phrasing.
very well put...... its better than nothing. its just not ideal.


Well-Known Member
The guy can't afford CFL's and splitters, yet you tell him to tear out his only reflective material on hand? That makes no sense. You went and told him it was hurting his plants, not that it was less than optimal. Phrasing people, think about your phrasing.

If this guy can afford bulbs, a splitter, and various other shit, he can afford to go to a dollar store or equivalent, get some white poster board and a free cardboard box! Let's think outta the box. Sometimes it's best to MacGuyver some shit. Always keep this in mind. K.I.S.S. keep it simple stupid.


Well-Known Member
If this guy can afford bulbs, a splitter, and various other shit, he can afford to go to a dollar store or equivalent, get some white poster board and a free cardboard box! Let's think outta the box. Sometimes it's best to MacGuyver some shit. Always keep this in mind. K.I.S.S. keep it simple stupid.
+1 That black and white paper works great too(black on one side white on other) and it prevents light seeping through paper, dollar store white paper will work bro, and don't stress....I just made a completely recycled grow box, out of purely recycled matierial....all accept bulbs! Started with 2 23watt daylight cfls (6500) and a 13w daylight (6500), now i have aquired the bulb splitters and have over 100 real watts on 1 plant.....and she could use more light. But remember with more light(even cfl) you will have more heat! God luck!


Well-Known Member
If this guy can afford bulbs, a splitter, and various other shit, he can afford to go to a dollar store or equivalent, get some white poster board and a free cardboard box! Let's think outta the box. Sometimes it's best to MacGuyver some shit. Always keep this in mind. K.I.S.S. keep it simple stupid.
He CAN'T afford the other stuff, that was my point. KISS would be using tin foil that is on hand, not going out of your way. MacGuyver is the worst possible example of KISS, the guy did everything the fucking hard way. lol


Well-Known Member
I would not use cardboard for a reflector as I would be concerned of a fire. An aluminum pie pan or any thin shiny flat piece of metal would work good. You would want it within 1 inch of the lights, just enough to allow light to escape. Curved around the lights if you can. A large clamp reflector works great, is what I use.

Those cfls are good to maybe 7 inches, the 45 watt ones. Putting them in a splitter can make them double the light penetration if the beams of light intersect, so 14 inches maybe.

In flower you want that light within 2 inches of plant and 1 would be better if they can take it.