My input and a warning on synthetic THC aka Spice


Well-Known Member
So i got a hold of this JIT 200 stuff made by Bam. I've smoked almost a gram in the last 2 days and here are my thoughts:

*Causes extreme anxiety for the 1st 30 minutes or so

*The 1st 30 minutes the high is overwhelmingly strong-I now understand why people have wigged out on it.

*After the initial 30 minutes the severity of the high comes down and it can be kind-of enjoyed.

* 1 hit of this stuff is all it takes. I pushed it last night with 3 or 4 hits off of my perc and I very much regreted doing it. Ended up just going to sleep because it was too much.

It feels a lot like smoking some KB but in a very off way. Evil and wrong is how it feels, at least for the 1st 30 minutes. There is no way I could smoke this stuff on the reg and I don't think even if I'm feinding for some bud could I smoke this again. I like how cannibis makes me feel better about things. This synthetic crap just makes me worry about crap. Its so weird.

If you are gonna try this stuff. Be careful. Although I didn't wig out on it, I can see how it would be very easy for someone to do so. I had a lot of experience with mushrooms a while back so I know that the feeling of "the world is gonna end" is all in my head. However the feeling is so strong that I"m not able to shake it, just ride it out.

I say fuck you government for making cannabis illegal and opening doors for this, this, abomination to be made. This shit should be illegal and I truly hope the US government wins their battle on it.


Well-Known Member
i'm with you there room, that stuff is nasty. i didn't enjoy it at all. gave me a headache, stinks, feels like i am smoking mrs sunnyboys potpurrrrrri :-( you couldn't pay me to smoke that again. i actually threw the 3 packages i got away.


Active Member
yea that fake stuff is horrible i heard high school kids smoking it and its been causing some problems around here stuff is sad honestly stick with the books til you old enough to get your diploma


Well-Known Member
That stuff shouldn't even be called synthetic thc or have any relation to real cannabis, it gives it a bad name.


Well-Known Member
My brothers gf smokes that shit and a few months ago I took my first and last hit. It was disgusting and made me feel really weird. No way will I ever smoke that crap again.


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it myself, but the way I understand it, you're not supposed to smoke it, you're supposed to hotbox a small room and bask in its synthetic glory.


Well-Known Member
There are only 100's of different kinds of synthetic shit. Some is good, most is bad. None of it gives you euphoria like weed does. The only time it was actually pretty close-ish to weed was when it first came out but it keeps getting banned and it's only getting worse and worse. You can't stop them from making it, they ban one kind and they just invent another.

It's kind of like people that try and rid the world of drug dealers, it doesn't matter if you bring one down. The next day another one is there to take his or her place. It's a pointless battle IMO.