My Introduction and Grow

Hi all!!

This is actually my third post since joining the community, but I did not introduce myself. I am a down-to-earth guy who enjoys toking a lot :mrgreen:, but I enjoy growing even more. Although this is only my second grow, I think I have found one of my passions in life. And this community kicks ass for sure, I have been reading some of the postings and the MJ growing experience some people have is truly amazing, thanks for sharing. I have also had some very good laughs with the jokes! So, if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Oh, and here are a couple pictures of my 5 week old babies. They will begin their flowering period today. Cheers!


Active Member
they are looking good mate, goodluck with the grow and hopefully everything goes well. me myself will be starting my 2nd grow when them temps go down or if i get ac or if i find a way to cool my cabinet. lol. anyways, happy growing to you bud.
Hi guys!

A little update on my grow. I had four Haze plants planted and now I only keep two, as the other ones turned out to be male. (I call them Haze because they came from a good stash I bought about two years ago and they kinda look like Haze plants from other pictures, I really don´t know what they are.)

They are in the fourth week of flowering, still got six more weeks to go.