My Journey into Non-existence - DMT


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying that I'm not, by any means, new to entheogens. So, when a friend of mine said he did a DMT extraction and asked me if I wanted to try some, I said hell yeah.


The foil was originally twice this size. Instead of fumbling around with tweezers or whatever I just cut the foil in half. If I had to judge, I'd say it was a little less than half the original amount. I held a lighter underneath it for just a split second and it instantly melted into the foil like I was hoping it would. That way, I would be able to turn the foil upside down and wedge it in my pipe as best I could since you don't want to burn it directly. Sort of like this.


Anyway, I know people have mixed feeling about the internet while tripping, but I personally like it. Mainly because of youtube. I try to pick different videos and slideshows that I think I might like beforehand to keep me entertained since most of the time I am tripping by myself. So, I pick a video with some rhythmic beats with all kinds of animals and natural landscapes.

I play the video and take the hit. My friend said try to hold it in as long as possible, but within a few seconds it hits me like a brick wall and I exhale. This is the point where time ceases to exist and I become very disoriented. I know I am still in my bedroom but there is no longer "up", "down", "left", "right", etc. I start to get extremely uncomfortable. I don't know if I did too much, but the body load was way to much for me. My heart was pounding, which I didn't really expect, and I could almost feel it pumping. If I had to make a guess I'd say I'm only 1-2 minutes into it at this point and I'm just waiting for it to end. I remember my friend said if you start getting uncomfortable just keep reminding yourself that it will end, which is what I did. I'm actually a little embarrassed since I've taken fairly large doses of lsd and mushrooms in the past. With any entheogen, I always get a little anxious and second guess my decision when I am coming up, but it always passes. This was just way too intense for me. I don't think I was ready for it. But I guess there isn't really any way to prepare, you almost just have to jump in.

My memory of the experience is somewhat fragmented. I remember taking the hit and I was at about 1:20 into the video I was watching. It was at a part where there were some antelope, then whales, then some bats. After seeing the bats, I closed out the screen and just sat back on my bed. I went into what I'm going to call "sensory overload" at this point. Objects in the room became familiar, but uncognizable. Like the curtains became part of the window and the window became part of the wall. It's really hard to describe. At some point, I feel like I am back in my old room from my freshman year of college. Now that I think about it, there are a few minor similarities between the 2 rooms. Between that and the disorientation I remember burying my head onto my sheets, but that didn't seem to help. It felt like an eternity, but it was probably no more than 10 seconds. I picked my head up and just started to ride it out. I started to come back down to earth and it actually became quite enjoyable at this point. Almost like a very strong mushroom trip. I can tell the two substances are related. I had a opened beer sitting and I started sipping on it. Well, I guess I wasn't really sipping because when I fully came back the beer was just about gone.

That's about all I can remember. No "machine elves" or alien beings or anything like that. Like I said, time ceased to exist, but I'd say from being to end couldn't have been more than 10-15min. I felt the after effects, like coming down from a mushroom trip, for the next hour or two. It was all just really bizarre. For those first few minutes time, matter, and space all kind of molded into one. It was the farthest gone I've ever been in my life.

I kind of wish someone could have been there with me and help guide me through. I think it would have helped the anxiety a little and maybe made the experience more insightful. I'm also curious as to what I would have said.

During the height of it all, I thought to myself I am never doing this again, but I think I am going to try the rest tonight. I can't explain why since it at times it was fairly unpleasant. I think that now that I know what to expect, I won't be so blown alway by it all next time.


Well-Known Member
even though thats just a 'sample' pic... Sounds like a salvia like trip, not so mind expanding as DMT or LSD. maybe second times a charm.


Well-Known Member
Yeah in a lot of ways I felt more "messed up" than tripping. It was definitely DMT though. It was extracted from mimosa hostilis and had that tryptamine feel to it at the end. But you are right, it wasn't as mind expanding as I thought it would be.

Haha, I actually do have a nice glass piece. I prefer the metal one for some reason. Maybe because I've had it for over 12 years. It was the first bowl I ever bought.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. I've had 5+ bowls smashed to little pieces by my reckless girlfriend. She's worse than a child. Its like giving a child his apple juice in a crystal wine glass, you cant get too mad but god damn. I have a metal piece of shit slider dugout that works great for killing roaches. But I just replaced my bowl (guess what happened to it!) with a glass bubbler, it was only $50 but they hit harder than a bong or bowl. My 20" tall 7mm thick AMG with the penta perculator and smoke saver weighs in around 15 lbs with water and ice. Gets out of control, especially considering one slip and you're out $500. But a nice clean glass piece makes the taste so much more enjoyable, you know what I'm talking about.

yeah It definitely sounds like DMT but you need to be in the right state of mind, like you said. Again, may you have a great trip up to the stars upon your next DMT experience.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Thanks for sharing your experience. I've never had a DMT experience but I would very much like to enjoy one. I know the substance can be extracted from many plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah in a lot of ways I felt more "messed up" than tripping. It was definitely DMT though. It was extracted from mimosa hostilis and had that tryptamine feel to it at the end. But you are right, it wasn't as mind expanding as I thought it would be.

Haha, I actually do have a nice glass piece. I prefer the metal one for some reason. Maybe because I've had it for over 12 years. It was the first bowl I ever bought.
You're absolutely sure your friehd made it from Mimosa? Like 100%? Meaning you saw the Mimosa originally or have some other conclusive evidence?
The only reason I ask is that sounded like much more of a DPT experience than a DMT experience - less mind expanding, no sentient contact, a VERY uncomfortable body-load, but then again, perhaps you just had horrible set and setting (quite possible). The reason I actually do think it was DMT is because you said you only peaked for 10-15 minutes which sounds more on par with smoked DMT than smoked DPT.

Next time make sure to plan ahead! Or as well as you can plan a DMT trip ;)


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely sure your friehd made it from Mimosa? Like 100%? Meaning you saw the Mimosa originally or have some other conclusive evidence?
The only reason I ask is that sounded like much more of a DPT experience than a DMT experience - less mind expanding, no sentient contact, a VERY uncomfortable body-load, but then again, perhaps you just had horrible set and setting (quite possible). The reason I actually do think it was DMT is because you said you only peaked for 10-15 minutes which sounds more on par with smoked DMT than smoked DPT.

Next time make sure to plan ahead! Or as well as you can plan a DMT trip ;)
Yes he used the mimosa bark with the lye and all that good stuff. I think I just got a little sketched out with how intense and rapid the onset was. One minute I was "here" and within a few seconds I was "there." I also think that maybe I did a little too much for a first time.


So you only toked one time? You need to take 3 long tokes to see the aliens from what terence says lol, also did you have closed eyed visuals? With these spiritual substances looking at a youtube video does not make much sense to me..i like to close my eyes and take that inner voyage, opening my eyes just distracts me from the purpose of the experience.

Here is a quote by Terence that actually applies to this situation :P

"And this brings us to one of the issues around psychedelics. There are a lot of wannabe experts running around who didn't take enough, because you have to take a lot -- not a LOT -- but you have to take a frightening amount to get into what it's really about. People who have taken, you know, 50 gamma of LSD or 100 gamma of LSD or two grams of mushrooms or something like that, they are not qualified to hold forth on the nature of the psychedelic experience, because those doses don't deliver it to you. What they deliver is the periphery of the psychedelic experience: accelerated thought processes, a kind of depth and richness to cognition that is unfamiliar, an ability to analyze situations from unusual perspectives, or to reach unexpected conclusions. "

So i guess its go big or go home :D


Well-Known Member
looks like that stuff is a peganum harmala extract.

you should have smoked that with some bud.

that extract can potentate most substances.


Well-Known Member
Don't use foil with DMT, the alkalinity eats the foil and contaminates the spice...

Aluminium is very bad for you.



Well-Known Member
I don't think I would have physically been able to take a 2nd, let alone a 3rd hit. I didn't even exhale the first one and I was already gone.

I forgot the mention, the smell and taste of the stuff is familiar but I can't quite put my finger out it. Very "nostalgic."

I'm a little surprised so many of you guys are doubting me that it is actually DMT. We've been friends for 10+ years and there was no money involved I don't see any reason why he would knowingly deceive me like that. I've given the guy probably close to an oz of boomers in the past few months so this was his way of returning the favor. Maybe not have been the purest extraction since the brown color is most likely due to leftover tannins from the rootbark, but there is no question in my mind that it was DMT. From my past mushroom experiences I can tell it was a tryptamine. A few similarities on the back end.

@ ANC - That video was great btw. I can't believe that guy would video tape himself doing that. I wish I would have stayed that relaxed. I couldn't keep my eyes closed for very long it was way to intense and I feel like when my eyes were open I was constantly moving my head around. Is a yellow crystal like what the guy had in the video what you are looking for in its purest form?

EDIT: Just watched the shroom one. Why the hell would he drink his piss like that, lol.


Well-Known Member
No one is really doubting its DMT. We all seem to know its DMT but theres no way to measure the potency from your experience. DMT extraction is such a long tedious process. I know a lot of people have come to master the art but even switching it up with a different species or different source could dramatically increase or decrease potency. It does sound like 2 or 3 hits would make you full on trip out.

ANC that video was hilarious. That guy caught me as a chump at first but he described his experience pretty well. Your name isnt Rocky Balboa is it?


Well-Known Member
No one is really doubting its DMT. We all seem to know its DMT but theres no way to measure the potency from your experience. DMT extraction is such a long tedious process. I know a lot of people have come to master the art but even switching it up with a different species or different source could dramatically increase or decrease potency. It does sound like 2 or 3 hits would make you full on trip out.

ANC that video was hilarious. That guy caught me as a chump at first but he described his experience pretty well. Your name isnt Rocky Balboa is it?
I'm glad you mentioned that. Even though my first experience was someone unpleasant, I'm still interested in investigating it further. I was actually just about to look into other plants and different extraction teks that I can suggest to him. If I'm not mistaken, mimosa hostilis has one of the highest concentrations of plants that are readily available, correct?


Well-Known Member
wish I knew. I extracted 'dmt' out of reed canary grass, bought the seeds on ebay and grew the plant. went wild, used leaf cuttings to extract onto. Made me retarded but I also did not get the full on experience that we seek.:sad:


Well-Known Member
90% of the intensity was all you and your fears, when you do it enough times you get to tell the diffirence between what the spice does and what we do ourselves.