My journey


Well-Known Member
Molybdenum (Mo)
Molybdenum is a component of two major enzyme systems involved in the nitrate reeducates, this is the process of conversion of nitrate to ammonium.
Molybdenum Deficiencies:
Often interveinal chlorosis which occurs first on older leaves, then progressing to the entire plant. Developing severely twisted younger leaves which eventually die. Molybdenum deficiencies frequently resemble nitrogen, with older leaves chlorotic with rolled margins and stunted growth.
Molybdenum Toxicity:
Excess may cause discoloration of leaves depending on plant species. This condition is rare but could occur from accumulation by continuous application. Used by the plant in very small quantities. Excess mostly usually does not effect the plant, however the consumption of high levels by grazing animals can pose problems so she might not be too good to smoke.

From here post 10

I'm not shore what happen when you combine it may be just adding (my guess) but it could be something like when you mix beer and pills.
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blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
So the first one is the setup with the new lights. The second pic is the smallest of the sprouts, third is next biggest (also about 2 days older), fourth is the biggest sprout. It was droopy and leaning a little. It's been in with the new light for an hour and has perked straight up!!!

Last but not least is Bob-backwards......:::sighs:::....its about 300 years old and not moving at all. lol...actually its 38 days old and it has grown more in the last three days than in the previous 35.....shitty and does it look like any kind of deficiency? the leaves are yellowish???




Well-Known Member
The new bulbs look good. Your seedlings look perfect, mine were 10x worse and streched. Yours should be much nicer than mine when they are at comparison ages.

Good job!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Thanks man! It's actually nice to hear some positive feedback, i was think i had a brown thumb there for a little.
:joint:.........puff puff........ I got my mylar today........ cough....... got it put up and looks pretty legit! It's actually coming together pretty well, and its kinda funny to look back at the first makeshift setup i rigged!

:joint:..........puff puff......... and i got a great idea on how to construct a grow closet similiar to what you have going on but on a much more portable scale....:eyesmoke:

blaze em if ya got em Waffles is on his way!! you think that my biggest seedling is getting really droopy b/c of the small cup?? He is actually a few days older. I planned to transplant to bigger pots Tues. but whatcha think? Maybe Sun. if it stays droopy?

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Active Member
dude the set up looks great. i just thought i would let you know that in the first week the plant doubled in size. i fed her last night. i trimmed off the bottom dying leaves she looks great... oh why did a chick with an accent answer your phone just a minute ago...

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
How can you tell so soon? Any pics?
:blsmoke: he's actually talking about his plant that is like a week younger than bob-backwards.....Thanks for stopping in Randy, it's night time for them now. I have all into 6 in pots and am running 18-6. I will switch to 16-8 beginning of week 4.

Look for pics tonight. I'll have them posted later on, i need you guys to look at them and tell me what the shit is going on with two of the seedlings.

Oh and does anybody know why My plant could be a week younger than my buddies plant that is over a foot tall and flowering and mine is only an inch and has only its first two sets of leaves??? Its growing and looks healthy just retarded?!?

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blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
So pic's 1 & 2 are of the new set up
#3 is the second eldest seedling. It also seems to be doing the best.
#4 is the youngest and for some reason right before i transplanted it it's second set of leaves were pointing straight up. It has started to come back down a little though.
and the last pic is of the eldest and first to be transplanted. i think that i over watered it after the transplant so i have not wattered it since sat. night and it is still wet 2 1/2 in down so hopefully it'll drink it all soon and be happier!
So let me know what you think, they are about 13-16 days old, are they on track for where they should be?

When can i expect to see more rapid growth?



Well-Known Member
Each set of leaves will give the plant more surface area, so as more leaves come things start going faster. You're all ready ahead of my early growth. About one mounth in (if I remember correct) things took off. Maybe 3 or 4 fan leaves set. The first ones with 3 leaves per branch.

Nice big pots. My next grow I'm going from the cups to my big pots. I've already transplanted 4 times this grow.

Looks like a nice start good luck.

The lights look good. I can't tell how close they are. If they start to stretch then lower but until then I'd leave them as they are. I think post 3 in my journal will show stretched plants.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Each set of leaves will give the plant more surface area, so as more leaves come things start going faster. You're all ready ahead of my early growth. About one mounth in (if I remember correct) things took off. Maybe 3 or 4 fan leaves set. The first ones with 3 leaves per branch.

Nice big pots. My next grow I'm going from the cups to my big pots. I've already transplanted 4 times this grow.

Looks like a nice start good luck.

The lights look good. I can't tell how close they are. If they start to stretch then lower but until then I'd leave them as they are. I think post 3 in my journal will show stretched plants.
sweet!!! I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for the suerte (luck) and the lights are about 2 in away!!!

Mine are really short and compact.....cfls'll do that though right.



Active Member
ok with all of those lights i swear dude if the damn things dont grow its your house. however with all of those lights your plants will blow mine away. keep it up

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I'm cloning my 2 females on sunday. I started if you want to watch. i will keep up to date as these will be two seperate grows.

thanks Randy.

PS how are your babies?

Most def!!! I would love to see then when mine get big enoug i won't be shooting in the dark!

Well the droopy one is still droopy, but has its first set of 3 pointed leaves and the second set is coming through.
The other two are about at that same level but they aren't drooping so thats happy. I might post some pics if there is something good going on. They are in the dark right now so we'll see!!



Well-Known Member
Alright set of 3 leaves. Things should pick up now. Mine took over 2 week and one was 3 weeks to get the tripple leaves.