My Ladies And Rockwool


Whats goin on RollItUp,
I was just curious as to how long I can leave these girls in rockwool before putting it in hydroton. I still haven't received the pump I ordered so I don't wanna put them in the reservoir with stagnant PHd water resting at the bottom of the net cups. Or does the pump only matter when the roots actually hit the water? I should have the pump Monday so will they be OK to chill in the rockwool until then or can I just put them in there with stagnant PHd water?



New Member
Honestly i would wait until at least 3 roots are pooping out bottom. I really dont know since im a soil grower but thats what i would do

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
As long as the cube remains moist you will be fine. Make sure to toss hydrogen peroxide in the water every once in awhile. Once you have her transferred into hydroton I would hand water around where the cube would be underground for awhile for good measure.


Well-Known Member
You can put the rockwool in the hydroton. You can use it throughout the entire grow. I've always done this, except my current grow. Only reason I didn't is because I ran out of rockwool and didn't wait to wait to order more. It SUCKS planting a seedling in hydroton without rockwool.

From a previous grow.


Honestly i would wait until at least 3 roots are pooping out bottom. I really dont know since im a soil grower but thats what i would do

Hmm, I didnt expect to see more than one root come from the bottom. About how long does it usually take to see more than one?

As long as the cube remains moist you will be fine. Make sure to toss hydrogen peroxide in the water every once in awhile. Once you have her transferred into hydroton I would hand water around where the cube would be underground for awhile for good measure.

Ok solid, I was worried about the roots not having anywhere else to go and them screwing themselves over because of it lol. About how much peroxide per gallon and how often? So you're saying to hand water the hydroton around the cube? I figured since hydroton wicks water upwards I wouldn't need to do this.

You can put the rockwool in the hydroton. You can use it throughout the entire grow. I've always done this, except my current grow. Only reason I didn't is because I ran out of rockwool and didn't wait to wait to order more. It SUCKS planing a seedling in hydroton without rockwool.

Wow I can imagine planting a seed in hydroton alone to be a serious pain! Hats off to you for makin it happen tho


New Member
You can put it in hydroton whenever... just top feed until the roots hit your res. Don't give that little seedling h2o2.


Well this morning the two with the longest roots got hit with damping off (Ive only been growing for about 2-3 weeks and its happened to 4 out of 5 seeds I bought from Attitude). The one with the smallest root coming through shriveled up but it didn't collapse like the other two so I'm just gonna put it in hydroton and hope for the best. This fuckin damping off shit is way beyond discouraging.:cry: