My Ladys Need to be Transplanted and I Have a ? Help Pros


Active Member
Hey everyone i just have a ??? im doing hempy style grow with just str8 perlite in 16oz cups right now but i need to put them in a 1 gallon maybe 2 gallon(these r autos dont need much room)they r about 25 days along now and all starting to bud..My ?? is can i bury the whole cup in perlite and just cut off the bottom(less shock hopefully lol) so that i can put perlite further up on the stem..The stems arent week but i wanna make sure they are sturdy enough..Hope that makes sense...Let me know guys soon if ya can transplanting tomorrow...THANKS FOR THE HELP


Well-Known Member
yea u can but if your gonna do that just cut up the side of the cup and be careful more room for the roots to branch out


Active Member
i dont wanna try going up the side becuase i know the roots are all over the place and starting to come out the hole of the hempy cups...Thats why i wanna just cut buttom less likely to screw shit up...Next time gonna just start in the bucket gonna finish in no more transplanting for me....Thanks for the help folks..


Active Member
And being just perlite cutting up the side im gonna have to hold it eventually and im affraid the roots might get messed up or ripped off when the perlite falls apart...NOOB but i learned my lesson..


Well-Known Member
my bad i missed the cup part i saw cup and was thinking plastic dont ask lol yea u can cut bottom and i would leave the sides like u had planned