My latest medical grow check it out


Well-Known Member
Oh hell yea another vertical tree grower. What do you have there 3kw on just one side of them?
How about all the details?

Are there plants on the other side of those lights also?

That's a ton of nice colas, and one plant you posted seems to have an insane number of them that seem incredibly long, what's the trick you just topped over and over very early on to get 100 cola's on one plant that go all the way to the base of the plant?


Well-Known Member
wow those are some monsters. how much lighting are you using how big is your space? looking really good!


Active Member
the room is about 15x15x10.the plants are grown in Dwc/with top feed 24/7
the room has a 12 site system The plants in the middle are sativa and the plants you can't see in the pic's
are indica.I will take more pics soon.


Well-Known Member
does it smell like it sounds? how many plants are you legally allowed to have where your at? bet when they wrote the laws they didnt take into consideration plants like that. again, very nice plants!