My Leafs Are Turning Upward???


Well-Known Member
I'm used to seeing this when things get really dry, either dry soil or dry air. A humidifier may help a little.


Well-Known Member
Thats your problem.

Whats the temperature.

It looks like it could also be cus the light is too close.

looks like heat stress and ph lockout.

and nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
and your containers that their in are clear.

You need to cover them with something so that light cannot get in.

You dont want roots get any light.


Well-Known Member
And the electrical plug is right next to the plants?

If water gets on that when your watering your plants your fucked.


Well-Known Member
eat nothing, and drink nothing, but water, and lets see how good you're looking... :)

Give your plant some food, man!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
and your containers that their in are clear.

You need to cover them with something so that light cannot get in.


You dont want roots get any light.
clear pot = deat plant.


Active Member
All in all you need some nutes and to STOP CREATING A FIRE HAZARD. Not worth burning your place down over a few plants.

What I advise:

1. Cover up those clear pots!
2. Give your plant some nutes
3. Find something better than a table lamp for your light source. That lamp is probably not meant to left on for extended periods of time not to mention it's taking up space.
4. Clean up your area, there is white stuff all over the rug, a messy room is begging for bugs or fungus
5. All electric plug ins should be away from grow/ water area.
since you guys believe this nutrient shit here are the plants that are the same age,
They were all resently transplanted,
they are not over or under watered
the ph is fine/air/humidly. ect. two plants r doing better.
Like i said I figure it is stress. Thx

