my leaves are curled up need help


Well-Known Member
I too am interested in this lol Jay do you know what it means when they curl down? I know one (curling up or down) means its being over watered.. just dunno which..
oh and to post pics just click on "attach" and it will allow u to go find the pics from ur comp. Or go to and click on browse, find the files, click upload, and copy/paste the "forum HTML" code onto here and u should be good.


Well-Known Member
Without pics & more info its a shot in the dark. Heat stress causes the upper leaves to taco.
NICE!!! THAAAT would explain the fuckin leaves, its just a few.. some are a bit black on the tips though.. any idea what that is? and ONE leaf looks to be a bit rusted for one whole inch on the top
A picture is worth a 1000 words...

Nute burn, hard to say w/out a pic & a lot more info like, feeding schedule, soil or hydr, lites used, what you are feeding.


Active Member
i dnt think its root burn its running on a ebb and flow two part advance nutes 3 times a day for 15 min shes a month now


Well-Known Member
outdoor, fox farm, huge ass plant. feeding schedule... umm whenever the top inch soil feels dry (beyond one inch than Id be ripping the roots. fuckin crazy huh?)

I needa take more pics but my friend has my camera so i cant :( if I were to draw a picture just add in like a couple hundred leaves and tons of stems and thats what it would look like lmfao haha (lame joke)


Active Member
i do not see much wrong with that plant...anybody else?? maybe im missing something. if your lights are too far away they might be reaching or something..i dunno here maybe its just the pic but i dont see any burn and the leaves are a tiny upturned but other than that i can not tell from this pic..

Robert Paulson

Active Member
completely healthy. perhaps slightly overwattered or the ph may be just slightly off. no worries though. how often are you watering with hydroton? are you ebb and flow?


Active Member
ebb and flow but its just my fist grow just had a lil panic cuz the corner of the leaves were turning upward srry guys