my leaves

Bayou bud

Active Member
Hey man looking nice and green! I'd get a jewelers loupe 30x mag and take a look at the tops and bottom of your leaves. If that is one plant best to segregate it away if you have any others.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Hmmm, I don't know if a fan would be doing that? Can you explain the rest of your set up or offer a link to check it out?


Well-Known Member
well cracks or little marks on the leaves can happen from them being blown around and such, but if you start to notice movement like you said... then there are def bugs...

just keep an eye on it and you should be fine...

looking really healthy and good so far...btw so keep it up and enjoy the grow... :)

Bayou bud

Active Member
If you have a fan, but it isn't on oscillate, then I'd suggest turning it on oscillate, may cut down on wind stress
Thanks all comments were definitely a great deal of help. This is my first grow. So I watch my girls like there going to run away lol. And my setup 400 watt MH for now till maybe 2-3 more weeks then ill 12-12 it with my HPS. Stealth hydroponics with a 10 gal Res. Nuts: Flora 3 part(ya know micro,bloom,grow) ummm ppm around 850 a little high but the auto loves it. And Ph 5.8-6.5 it changes daily.(the most work I do) and I spray 6.0 Ph water maybe 3-4 a day

Bayou bud

Active Member
A bigger reservoir will cut down on pH and EC swing and keep your res temp more stable. Just saying. Everything else looks great man.


Active Member
those are nice for your first...yep wind windchill, ive seen this, the guy whome said ocilate is correct ...or use a reasonable method of mitigation ...jmho