My Light Just Broke What Could It Be.


I've had this problem with mine after power outages. Try just disconnecting everything and reconnect. It works for me.


Well-Known Member
Speck is probably a small piece of burnt filament, or a lil burn caused by a lil heat, but if it is still together and completes the circuit, then who cares... But, sending the thing in for warranty is a great idea, as well as getting a new one... I might suggest a magnetic kit, too... If u DO end up with 2 HPS kits, u can burn a MH in one, and get even better results than u ever dreamed of... The HPS will burn a MH lamp safely... I just dont subscribe to the newer digi ballasts yet, because their harder to work on and troubleshoot, and Ive heard more problems like this... It could be sum internal overcurrent protection that just needs to be reset, or an internal fuse, that just needs to be replaced, or something as easy as that, and likely is... If I had it, Id take a peek around inside for these obvious things for an electrician, such as myself, to save the time of sending it in and all, but it sounds like yer on the right path now... Nomore stickin the finger in to fuse panel though, aight?
still not sure about the speck. but the fuse completes a circuit still. I'm picking up a new 600w hps in the a.m. , Hopefully I can send this ballast in under warranty? then i'll just put both in the new room......


Active Member
That's all great info Ganja thank you much!!!!. I've already pulled it apart to check for obvious signs, all I found was they put a black waxy rubberish coating over everything!! every component and entire circuit board, ftw..... kinda like a Maker Mark Bottle top (u know that red shit)

on the --plug-- end there is some different looking area like remelted black shit on top of some block shaped component. 1x1x1.5 ish

Also NO WARRANTY talked to 'em yesterday a.m. nothing they can do, assholes!

new 600's comin!! : )) so nice little upgrade from the 400.

Thanks Again Ganja!!


Well-Known Member
No prob dude! Sounds like the digi burnt all up on ya... Better luck with the next one! And, like I said, if ya need any electrical advice, just PM me, and we'll get it wired up properly and safely...


Active Member
checked the fuse and it intact although there is a little spec ( . ) as big as that period in the fuse line inside the glass. Is there anyway to see if the bulb burnt out by color change, blackness or anything else maybe like a normal light? I'm ten days in flower will it screw things now
check to see if your ballast reset breaker button has been pushed out. on the ballast.