My Lights on at 730...I want them on at 630


Well-Known Member
Was worried about heat problems but it seems like our extremely odd summer will stay fairly cool.

They come on at 7:30, but I want them on at 6:30....can I just switch my timers today and stick with off at 630 am and on at 630PM or am I going to screw with them?

They are 1.5 weeks into flower...I think they could handle one more hour of light today than usual... no?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I think I read on here before, if you do that to give them the extra hour of darkness. But really is negligible. Maybe someone else will chime in. Good luck and I hear ya on the Odd summer.
Felt like October last month around here.



Active Member
Yea they should easily be able to handle it. You can even adjust both by 30 mins over two days, just to limit the stress even more. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Well this would technically be one less hour of darkness, one more hour of light. I agree that giving them *more* hours of darkness is probably the better idea... give them a sign that their life is coming to an end, afterall, that's what flowering is all about.