my lil 1's are goin yellow


Active Member
yep pretty much thats bout it bud grow for the production of hemp based products(to get it legalized) and secretely for the nice juicy tangy flavorous buds


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Vapor is incorrect which is a typical noob mistake. You can poison a plant from to much High Intensity Light. The output of the high UVs damage the small plants cells and doesnt allow them to process the full amount which will then cause stress to the small plant and can cause a hermi or hurt the plants physical growth.Have you ever seen a new sprouted plant on a porch in direct sunlight from day one? It will shrivel yellow and stunt compared to a plant started in partial shaed til the root system and leaves have matured enough to absorb the ultra hardcore sunlight UV. In indoor especially ganja it is acommon knowledge you do not use an HID light on new sprouts or clones. I am sure vapor just made an honest mistake. You can find thousands of posts and studies that show why you do not use HID light at this early stage.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hers a link to a recnt post I did. I had some extra plants and tossed them in a small 3x3 table. I neglected them as new clones and then they started to show lock out so I figured Id do a post. I let them lock out real good then posted shot to show them and let people guess the issue. I then went back corrected the lock out and gave them about 10 days to clear up to show how to fix the issue. It will show damage similar to yours in the before pics. They now are going good full flower and drinking and feeding perfect with no ph flux...


Active Member
damn ur good Filthy !! well changed my water and added flora kleer to it just as instructed on tha directions. water ph 5.5 .. so im just gonna let it cycle a few times and then just change to water till i see color !! cause my leaf's r yellow !! and burnt tips !!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Run the floral kleen for like 2 hours full on.Lets see your on a drip right maybe run it a full day pump on the whole time. Then run plain ph water for day or 2 then add nutes again and if you have any flower nutes add a 1/4 dose to the veg nutes to give a p and k boost. Hope it helps you out


Well-Known Member

Iv'e put seedlings under my HPS and im currently vegging a young plant under my HPS. I havent had any problems. The only problems ive had is seedlings in FFOF. But thats seedling getting burned from soil. Not lights.

you dont need another light.....

And dont use nutes right now. Your plant is still too young. It needs to develop a HEALTHY root system first. Yo dont need flowering nutes you need grow nutes which are HIGH in NITROGEN. When a plant uses up its nitrogen it loses its color and turns yellow. So use grow nutes when the plant is ready. You can also use CALMAG which isnt a grow nute but a Calcium and Magnesium supplement.

But, I wont argue in this thread, so I wont respond to any of Filthy's comebacks after this. Goodluck....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
nope not waiting for you I have made few dozen replies in last few minutes the alert comes up when someone posts to a thread Im in. You see how that plant looks? the dark green with yellow viens and the curled edges. That is not a happy plant. The color isnt even and the curl is stress related. The plants potential yield and thc content has been damaged...from what? incorrect light intesity and wrong color light..that size plant should be standing strong and upright its thin and hangy


Well-Known Member
I dunno what your seeing. But im looking at it right now and its looking pretty green to me. I see markings and messed up tips from the (FUCKING) pests that invaded the poor thing.

I think what your seeing is a freshly LST'd plant, so yeah....the leaves are weird. This thing got rootbound in a matter of 4 days. I think its pretty healthy.

edit: thin....yeah i agree, thats why I hate growing Sativas, but its fine, it will be fun.


Active Member
well im usin hydroton grow rocks. well im cleanin out my whole system my rockwool cubes started lookin like this ...and some of my hydro rocks started lookin green. so i added hygrozymeto a 5gallon bucken and threw my rocks in there to clean and started cleanin my buckets individualy..


Well-Known Member
Its probably algae growing on top. Trya nd cover the rockwool and the hydroton with a CD or some white paper or something. If any light lets on them and they are moist then the algae will grow. And thats bad. Good luck!


Active Member
:eyesmoke: sorry forgot to post tha pic .. also got other q's ...... and about tha light !! i got two of these layin around they say 34 white light on tha bulbs .. got no problem usin them .. saves money on tha electric bill but this is basicly what my plant looks like one tha tall yellow one is mater and the small bushy one is cheese



Well-Known Member
I think you should be okay with those. I know they are not ideal (like the T5 floros) but they should work for a little bit. Once you get your plants back to normal and healthy, you should be aight with the 600. And yeah, that looks like algae to me. Get those pots covered!


Active Member
whats tha diff in tha t5 to a normal flourescent fixture.. tha light bulb or tha entire thing ??? tha majority of tha ppl here use soil !! i thought hydro was easier !!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
the difference is about $150 lol..I dont know if majority use soil here thats debatable. For me hydro is much easier. It takes close attention but much easier to work with and correct. i do a soil grow once maybe twice a year versus 20 or so hydro grows with aero my favorite method. Thos shop lights will work great. I wish the galleries were still up as I did a bunch of posts on using the florescent tube for clones, seedlings and vegging.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
oh and forgot the real difference in T8 and T5 is the bulb size and the light spectrum and output the T5 is better and higher output at low wattage. No heat from either is the plus too