My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Most of your plants are showing signs of stress,nute burn,nute spill,water spill and overwatering.
Fan leaves are probably so big as they are to far away from the light or your not providing enough light:blsmoke:
No i said that your plants are to far away from your light source,you just don't listen:blsmoke:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
come on nat.. its not that bad. we jsut need to help him out. lower the temps and it should be ok and id be interested to hear how often and w hat method of wattering do you use.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, what are you talking about? It never gets over 77 in there so i know its not to hot. The plants are 22in away from the lights so i know its not light burn. Its not light stress because i dont have that much light in there...And i know they arent to far away because if you move it even 2 link closer they start getting hot. Its fine where it is. Big fan leaves are a sign of good growth...stretching might be a sign of not enough light, but big fans leaves are what i want during veg to pack on the pounds. Woot woot go big leaves go!!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i would still recomend 1 to 2 inches away from the leaves. for maximum growth. it doesnt hurt my plants :) Peace


Well-Known Member
i would still recomend 1 to 2 inches away from the leaves. for maximum growth. it doesnt hurt my plants :) Peace
I may be a newb, but I don't think you should ever suggest someone put a 1000w light of any kind 1 to 2 inches from any form of vegetation.

If you're talking about CFL's or something thats one thing, but a 1000w HPS 1 - 2 inches from the plants is going to destroy them if not burn down your house.


Well-Known Member
You are correct phaded. I have found that when they were younger it needed to be further away. Now it is about 22in and it could be maybe a few inch's closer, but its doing perfect where its at so i dont want to risk burning them. Ill just let them grow to it, and ill raise it as needed.


Active Member
why must people insist on repeating and repeating.. you dont HAVE to have 1 plant per pot.. please dont go on belives of what everyone else says... if we did that we would of never found Marijuana, Shrooms, or any of that great stuff... Live a little experiment... You never know how the results will come about :)
More power to people that dont read Instruction Manuals:blsmoke:
youre only supposed to have 1 plant per pot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude. Everything is going fine so far. Who knows, maybe ill start a new craze and everyone will maybe grow 2 in a pot. When they realize they could grow 10 where they only have 5 now, maybe they will try it a time or 2. We are only goint to do 1 per pot next grow and ill keep a journal on that. I'll see how much if any damage it does to them with 2 in a pot. You know, check the yield, speed of growth, over all health, etc. I do know that its not good to have 4 in a pot all the way til harvest, but it will work. But im getting rid of a few here and there (its so hard to choose which ones to toss cause even the small ones look great). They should show preflowers next week or the next. Then im sure about half of them will be gone. It is around 4 weeks when they shart showing preflowers right? Ok, thanks for the advice and compliments everyone. Stick around and watch how this turns out. I could be completely wrong and they may grow good up until flowering or harvest or something. But if they continue like they are now, i wont have any problems :)


Well-Known Member
UPDATE!!!! Ok, its day 24. The temp is staying at 73-75 almost perfect, humidity is staying at 44-54 and light is still 20/4. We bumped the nutes up. Well, these first few pics are of the plants. Some are topped, fim'ed and some are lst. Got rid of another one today that wasnt doing so good. Its hard cause they are all doing great, just some a little small. Well, tell me what you think!!! The last one is just kinda an overview. For some reason the right side looks a little lighter, i think its cause the sun was coming through the tent.



Well-Known Member
Heres some that have been topped or fim'ed. The first 4 are fim'ed and the last 2 are topped. We topped some of the ones that were topped again yesterday and they already have new shoots growing today!! Man cannabis is a fast plant huh? What do you think. I wish you could see some of the ones that have been topped twice from above them. They look so uniform. Gonna be lots of tasty buds on them!!



Well-Known Member
And these are just some shots of the node spacing. Look at all the branchs on these beast. And all of these pics are of one plant, this isnt a couple of plants that look like one. Remember, they are only 24 days old. I hope these branches are a sign of lots of buds. What do you guys think?


Dr High

Well-Known Member
nice compact tight spaced nodes and branch! good work.:)Peace
PS if they were doing that horrible they would show signs of unhealthiness, i dont see any of this!:)


Active Member
one thing that would concern me there too, is root bind once you grow them up but if you are using a big pot and they are separated a little ways....i dunno..never tried it

i also never read this whole thread so I just wanted to comment again here.....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dr.High!! Oh, and thanks fdd2blk for the comments and helping me explain to people whats going on. Good fucking god. Ill explain it to you since you dont read. The roots binding up doesnt matter...they arent going to arm wrestle or anything. Now, if these were showing stunted growth i would be concerned. They are growing very very well. Also i have already removed 5 with no problems at all. 3 of them i cut at soil level then covered that up with soil so it doesnt grow back and the roots die off. 2 of them i actually dug around and pulled up and im now growing them in my closet and they are doing very well too. The spots you see in the pics i have got take care of. It was either magnesium or potassium def. They have 2 more sets of leaves since these pics were taken...ill post them later. Sooooo, in a week or two when the ones in the shed show preflowers, i will cut out the males and keep on the very best females. This is the last time i will explain myself. I will let the pics do the talking from now on.



Active Member
Comment if you want, but if you only want to read my journal and see pics, just scroll down to see pics. I try to post new pics every day or at least every other. Thanks so much to everyone for all the advice!
2wks from germination. And check out the purple stems everyone is talking about. I dont think its a good or bad just happens. It took them 3 days in a paper towel, then 2 in the soil. The first pic is the 2nd day after they had sprouted. They were under 2 flo's and the temp was around 75 and humidity was 50-55. The other pics are 12 days after the first. They are in a 4x4x8 with a 1000w HPS, air cooled hood with 6" vortex for exhaust and passive intake. They are in Foxfarm Ocean and using Earth Juice Grow and Catalyst. We also have 2 fans, a small heater for cold nights, and a humidifier. So, what do you think?

Edit: there are so many because they were bag seeds. Half will probably be male, then out of whats left we will select the 10-14 best, most healthy females.[/quote

They look really healthy.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, I recommend keep doing what you are doing, wEEd through the positive feedback and ignore the rest, in fact you should of ignored it back when you first stated, if you had .. this bullshit probably would have never started or continued.

Fact or Fiction: There are many growers out there that grow several plants together in soil and when I say together I mean lined up as if you were planting corn or carrots, this mainly apply to profit growers. ( people who grow lots of smaller plants on a regular basis to make a profit) kind of like the "SOG" method but in dirt.

I agree that if you are planning a small grow and not planning on making a profit that it would probably be wiser to use separate pots but one does not need to be told this over and over again, also he stated numerous times that in the end they will all be separated and that this is basically an experimental grow.

Read a Little Learn a Little, Read a Lot Learn a Lot!

It's logical that one plant apposed to two plants or more in a single pot will grow bigger or better as there will be more or less room for root growth but it's not going to harm or kill them, provided their conditions are top shape.

Your an arrogant angry little man who has very little exp deal with it and do not worry i will not bother to add my opinion to any more of your threads
Why do you continue to post after the above statement also why do you insist on staying somewhere were you are clearly not wanted? .. by the thread owner!

Also comments like these don't help ones ego or stability (no pun attended)

Most of your seedlings are retarded and small and have weak stems,and many are leaning already,you should plant them back down to the first set of leaves into small pots as they have stretched far to much,funnily enough just like i said they would from doing what you've done.
nice plants. you're kindof a tool, but nice babies.

Then you go on to laugh at him, not once but twice, shame on you!

most hilarious thread I have read so far... dood - the roots are going to rot in your soil after you cut the males...
Maybe I just have the stoner giggles but man this thread is funny....

Just wondering, how old are you fatal?
Hey kid or child like man,i have pointed out your mistakes so you can do better.
OK dumbass do it your own way lmfao
You remind me of a surprised xfactor contestant being told that they cant sing.
The three wise monkeys and a dark wind are at full effect in your mind.
I wish you all of the best in your grow and i hope that you can one day find peace in your own skin
Why all the name calling? if you ask me .. that is childish, correct me if I'm wrong!

I can understand fatals frustration when it comes to people not observing a hole thread and posting jumping the gun, as I'm guilty of this too, I also feel he should of went about it another way, he probaby shouldn't of reacted the way he did but when people keep it up, it's hard not to react.

Durban, give it up dude. They arent going to get over the fact i have more than one per pot. Im just going right past any comment about pots, i dont care about it any more.
Fatal you should have done just that then .. if not sooner, It may sound like I'm defending you and I am to a degree but you didn't help this matter either, however I felt I needed to stand by you as you were getting ganged up on and that's just not right.

Why Can't We All Just Get Along or Leave One Another Alone???

Best of luck to your grow and I will be checking in from time to time.