My Little Greenhouse

I've seen people hang them, bag them, put them in a box with Damp Rid and silica packs and it just takes too long or doesn't get them cracker dry. You can get a good quality dehydrator for under $100, my 5 tray temp adjustable dehydrator was $99 five years ago and I see them all the time for even cheaper now. I set my temp at 145 and they are cracker dry in 4-6 hours
I've seen people hang them, bag them, put them in a box with Damp Rid and silica packs and it just takes too long or doesn't get them cracker dry. You can get a good quality dehydrator for under $100, my 5 tray temp adjustable dehydrator was $99 five years ago and I see them all the time for even cheaper now. I set my temp at 145 and they are cracker dry in 4-6 hours
Cool man yeah I was looking towards a dehydrator. Ive read everywhere that the active ingredients start to deteriorate with heat. i've also read everywhere that the active ingredients won't deteriorate in food dehydrator temps.

I think i'll go with a food dehydrator and if i don't trip then i'll find a different method XD
Here is the truth.

Let them sit in their own for a day or two.

Then lay them on the grate in your oven with the oven in warm or 160 and wedge the door of the oven open slightly with a wooden spoon. Don't spend a bill on a dehydrator.

You fruit will come out perfectly in about six hours.
I prefer straight from fruit to dehydrate to packing. 400w dehydrator compared to 1500w oven running for 4-6 hours adds up and no waiting for 2 days.