MY little Growbox and First time Grow.


New Member
I kept my water at bottom of my net pots until I seen a or some roots exiting bottom of net pot. I would spray and drop some water in the hydroton also while the root was still making it to the water. Even at 18 days now my water is about 1/2" below pots.


Well-Known Member
I start in 1" rockwool and once I see some roots coming out of the rockwool I place it into a 3.5" net cup and into the DWC. The roots get splashed and reach down toward the water.


Active Member
Hey I'm new to growin also, but like "r1tony" said, you should use some of that aluminum tape and tape the entire res top and bottom to avoid alge. And if you can you should place that light strip you have across the back side of the grow box, that way you gain some vertical grow space. But if can afford it, you should replace them with at-lease a 2' 4 bulb t5 lights $80-$90 it will fit in your box real nice and you'll get way better results. Here are a couple links to some lights...

The one from htg-supply claims 10,000 lumens... Sweet for what it is!

PS: You ever consider Scrog... It will work nice in a setup like yours?


Active Member
And if you do end up gettin the bigger grow box/tent you can use the lil one for clone/seedlings or a mom box!
As for nutrient you should start with something easy like the two part "FLORA NOVA" 1 Bottle for grow, and 1 bottle for bloom, supper concentrated stuff so will last a long time, and as you go along you can start to add supplements like FLORALICIOUS PLUS, KOOL BLOOM and things like that.


Well I continue to have problems but good growth.

The three 85 cfls are to much for my 2 fans. I have two computer fans pulling air in and pushing air out and it still gets extremly hot in the grow box. I am continuing to get yellow ends on plants and some of the smaller guys just cannot take the heat.

Is it a big no no to leave my box cracked with a bigger fan blowing in?


Well I have not been happy with my growbox so today I finally started my new project. I acquired a Coleman closet to put in the garage off craigslist for 70 dollars. It looks just like the gladiator closets that cost like 350-400 in lowes so I was quite happy. I can now actually hang my lights and keep my grow box nice and cool. All my plants have been burning up in the previous one.

You can see the former growbox just to the left. I am so much happier with this setup now. I can actually now use buckets or 2 nice totes. I still need to mylar the unit so it will brighten up. Anyone know of the cheapest place to buy mylar?



New Member
ya sweet... paint the inside flat white though or buy some mylar/panda paper to line it so your light gets reflected and not absorbed by the black.


Well a little time has passed since my last update. The new grow-box is working out great. I finally got my mylar in but it is not yet installed. Need to figure out the best way to attack this.

I just ordered my Fox Farms Nutrients so hopefully they will be in middle of the next week.

I have a few questions for you guys.

A. I had a little fight with algae last night, it was my first time and just cleaned out the reservoir and put new water in. Here is the problem, my roots still have algie on them and I cannot get it off. Any suggestions or does this even matter?

B. I am getting leaves that are starting to turn yellow. Is this because they need nutrients? I have been reading and trying to learn and I saw that in dwc there is a lack of nutrients because there is no soil. Is this true? Will my fox farms purchase hopefully solve this?


Well-Known Member
You should flush them with a product like FloraKleen for a few hours then put back into nute solution, possibly add some H2O2. The nutes are in the water I don't know where your reading / getting a lack of nutrients from we use DWC so we can strictly manage exactly what our plant is taking up & at what times. A good grow journal can be priceless when it comes time to go for round 2. You'll know exactly what your ladies can & can not take.


I have not added nutes yet. I just ordered them so my plants have just been in water with light. I was asking if that is the reason they are turning yellowish.


Well I have been having some probelms finding a new grow container for my plants. They system I bought orginally had all 9 plants in a little 2 gallon container. They have done well in the container but now since I have added the fox farms they plants have been growing like crazy. They drank about half the water last night so today I had to find a new home for them to rest in.

I found some nice 5 gallon totes at walmart that are working really nice. I purchased 3 of them thinking they would all fit and I could have 6 plants. Well it did not work out because I was a few inches shy of having it fit. So I lost two plants which really stinks.

I do not think I had the light necessary to grow all 6 of them anyways.

Should I had a 100 watt 2700k cfl along with my other 6500k cfls?



Another few photos from today. I took a picture with my size 13 nikes to show how big they are getting.

It is getting crowded in the grow area. Should I be cutting the branches off that go over into other plants? One is growing in every direction and somewhat covers a smaller one in the back.

They are also starting to smell. It wont before long before its out of control. What type of carbon scrubber should I get? 4 Plants total.


Do not cut your branches. do yourself a favor and go to youtube and search "I harvest every two weeks", by bauks 420 and watch all his videos. or " I grow chronic part 1" watch all these vids it will take a couple hours but knowledge is priceless. I reccommend the i grow chronic but WATCH BOTH
the i grow chronic is a different hydroponic setup but everything is relatively the same. You'll be able to relate with the harvest every two weeks videos


Well I think I am about ready to go into flower mode. I might give them one more week. One of the back plants needs just a little more time I think. Pretty stoked.

Lets just hope they are not boys.



Started the flowering process today.

Lights went off for 3 days and now they are on 12-12 cycle.

Using 4 105 watt cfls 2700k