my little sativa!


questions comments anwsers any knd of feed back would b nice just like to show off my baby or one of them at least ohh also and suggested methods of growing sativas....lst topping supercrop fim lollipop any preffered methods of my fellow growers on what i should try cu i know sativas get strechy



ya she also needs a bigger pot prolly gonna repot her soon just gave her her first feeding of 1/4 nutes this morning too early?


Well-Known Member
I would put her in a 1 gallon for a few weeks and as for nutes, look at the fake leafs are they yellow yet? Thats where the plant has built in nutes for the start of life.


bud bootlegger
it looks pretty good so far.. just one thing i thought that i would mention.. i have heard that clear is not the best containers to grow in as it allows light to get to the roots and is not good for them.. i know your gonna transplant it soon anyways, just thought that i would throw that out there..
i just got down growing dna's sour cream, which is pretty sativa dom... it started to get too tall for my area, so i ended up supercropping her.. i was very nervous to say the least when i was doing it, but it took to it very well and hardly seemed to stress her out at all.. she basically recovered in under 24 hours.. there are plenty of other techiniques such as lst, topping, scrog, etc... which ever one you decide to go with, just do as much reading as you can on it, and maybe try to find a few grow journals on here to see what issues others have had with them and see what kind of ways that they came up with to resolve them... there really is a wealth of knowledge on this site, just gotta do the work and find what works for you..
best of luck m8..


thanks racer ya i have herd that clear is bad in the reading i have done soo that way a mistake but just dont wanna stres her out by transplanting her too early but i will definatly have to try supercropping then also did you get a pretty good yeild from super cropping i know it suppose to help but did you notice a difference or did yo not really have anything to compare it to