MY MARIJUANA GROW OP .. 12 x 1000 watt lights!~

At least in certain circumstances (and states) it can legally possible for citizens from in the U.S. to grow, and smoke it to relieve pain etc. As complicated as it probably gets, it's still leaps and bounds ahead of the UK.
According to federal law, cannibis is illigal everywhere in the US.
According to various state laws you can posess and smoke if you have a medical card.
According to Alaska State law I can legally posess and smoke in my own home.
- - But - -
Even though it is legal by Alaska state law, a DEA agent (Federal agent) could arrest me in my own home for smoking.
Fucking retarded ain't it?
According to federal law, cannibis is illigal everywhere in the US.
According to various state laws you can posess and smoke if you have a medical card.
According to Alaska State law I can legally posess and smoke in my own home.
- - But - -
Even though it is legal by Alaska state law, a DEA agent (Federal agent) could arrest me in my own home for smoking.
Fucking retarded ain't it?

Wow! And I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg, sounds like it could get a lot more complicated depending on state and circumstances. How can these laws contradict each other like that?
should all this law talk be done in a different thread ...

u guys are fuckin up this dude's grow thread simple as that
should all this law talk be done in a different thread ...

u guys are fuckin up this dude's grow thread simple as that

The whole 'law talk' started about a question I asked about Marsellus's grow. So in my opinion it very relative to the thread. There's no need to be rude about things. Myself and no doubt many others like me come on these forums to learn and discuss.

Marsellus, I apologize if the post's about law and caregiving are out of place and shouldn't be on here.
Wow! And I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg, sounds like it could get a lot more complicated depending on state and circumstances. How can these laws contradict each other like that?
Its just the American version of a daft legal system - I'm sure every country has their own.
yo i cant wait to see your blue dream finished!! that strain is some awesome smoke (just toked a little of it before stumbling upon your thread) and ya... your grow is lookin sweet! im sure you'll be havin some happy patients soon:clap::leaf::leaf::leaf:
im really sorry, i don't live close to where this is setup so it takes me time to go there and back, i forget my camera sometimes.. this weekend im busy, ill put up pictures as soon as i can.... the blue dreams look beautiful tho ;)
ok patiently waiting for those pics. and yea this thread has been jacked repetitively and i wouldn't blame wallace if he just abandonned it all together.
I apologize marsellus wallace I did not intend to do any " thread jacking ", but when you read about a grow that seems off or wrong you just have to ask.
Just puttin it out there~ All threads started by me are free to speak. I will show more respect to others.
if your here to ask questions or comment about the grow your more than welcome...

just try not to ramble on everybody.. not trying to make this out to everyone, if you catch my drift

preety much its like this.... if you own a dispensary you can disignate people to be your patients... thats why all "dispensaries" are called caregivers aswell... i am the caregiver to patients from the dispensary, if that makes sense ..?? the more patients your dispensary has the more cannabis you can grow

i dont own the dispensary but have people closely involved. :bigjoint:
Yo corey ive been here goin on 2yrs, AND While ur talking about "go blow yourself" wrong thread bro. you can take it back wit that cat in ur bra.
This is sum of the funniest shit i have ever read, why n the hell is everybody mad about HIS grow, did you put some money on this opt or sumthin. let him grow his own way, damn. you guys r highjacking his journal 2 weeks in. Now if he does a pound a plant then what...... Thats what i thought!!! Everybody grows THEIR own fuckin way. i havent seen this shit nowhere else on RIU, so i wonder would you be this mad if he had 1-400 in a closet or tent. I doubt it u jealous MF's. he's at a point most of want to be at. Damn. Can we read how he's doin it and not how the hell u WOULD. You guys need to go to the Dick suckin journal or sumthing and say how their doin it wrong and how your way is better over there.:clap: Good luck Bro im subbed.

you sure are going out on al limb there saying we need to go to the dick sucking journal no body is mad dumb ass just trying to give tips and pointers that people dont want to hear and with 19 post you dont know your ass from a hole and the ground so i would just keep your mouth shut and tuck in your tongue
of course there is stuff to improve upon my opp... im not ignorant lol i posted this so people can tell me what they think and thats exactly what you did. but like i said its stupid to argue about. after ALL this im going to try and lower all my hoods for next grow , see if there actually is a difference in yield, because they would only be lowered for like 2-3 weeks ... my lights are perfect where there at right now because my plants have grown alot more than expected .. even using bushmaster(which contains phosphorus) to stunt their growth upwards.

BY THE WAY .... if anyone is attempting to grow Super Lemon Haze watchout because they are VERY sensitive to everything! .. not a plant for a beginners to grow!

sounds great man what i wanna hear! the only reason people suggest that is because during that transition they are going to strech significantly (like you have witnesses first hand) and keeping those lights close during that time WILL keep the inter node distances closer and the stretching down I know the plants are going to grow up there very fast and thats y the light r high i do understand.

I have been thinking about trying bushmaster... you likey or?

and for everyone that thinks i am jealous im not and give marcellus props for doing his damn thing! great job man 4 real and let me know if you need a extra hand!!

the only thing i am jealous about is living in CA man i love it over there in sf but i live all te way on the east and laws suck ass here you guys are so lucky...if I could find a job out there i would be gone in a second!
and if you do lower the lights then you will have way more lumens those things would grow so fing bushy! man they would love you. but the only thing is like you said....the temp is so high under all those lights. and I dont know how your ventilation for your light are but you would need to move some serious air and cold air would be best.. you ever sen those light chillers those things are kind expensive to run and purchase (i dont have for this reason) but I would bet they are bad ass and would drop those light temps way down. just a suggestion...

so on another would have to have a in with someone to be a caregiver or own a shop.. what do the dispensaries pay for their shit? I know they dont cut ne deals selling it ($60 1/8) so i would imagine they pay a lot for it...? how do you get your shit to a dispensary if your just a regular jo smo with a med card?