My massive failure!


Well-Known Member
You are probably right, but you would expect to see droopy leaves, tip burn, stem rot, etc. It really looks quite healthy (if it was a week old). Overwatering is the most common seedling error that results in slow growth, but that plant doesn't look at all over-watered.

Yes I know. but a plant that age and that size, their has to be a root malfunction.


Active Member
Here it is, just a week and a half later. Transplanted it into some FFOF and giving it earth juice and, superthrive with ph balanced water. How am I doing with this little one now?:mrgreen:



RIU Bulldog
Long story short, This is my test run plant (the one that lived lol). Can"t tell ya the strain, or anything else except I failed! this plant is, believe it or not, over two months old. The soil was some cheap "loaded with chemicals" crap, the water was unchecked for ph, etc, etc, etc. Bottom line? It helps to have a clue! BTW, this is for Nice Ol Bud. Lol.:leaf:
I like your style man. The best way to learn is to do it for yourself.