My medicinal strain list...



So since I got my card and actually started getting stickers for the crazy ridiculous names I'm smoking on I decided to keep track of it all (well most).

A lot of the bottles had stickers that ripped and shit so that's why I say "most of it all" lol. Mostly all stickers were from eighths and a few hash stickers in there.

Thought I'd share, and I've only had my card for 4 months. :mrgreen:

Wish I had a sticker for every type of weed I've tried in total, that would fill a book. :hump:



Purple Monkey Balls, hands down. I THINK I have a picture of it hiding somewhere, let me look in my phone. Shit threw me into the couch hahaha. Most potent straight weed I've had for a purple, as well as an indica.




Well-Known Member
damn you are a lucky lucky man. i wish i had access to all those strains. toke some for me. i havent had some decent shit for a couple weeks.


Ouch man, why not? Aight I'll pack up some White Diamond OG.


Well-Known Member
i dunno. my main guy who usually had good shit all the time like sour deisle and train wreck and kush stopped dealing. so he hooked me up with someone else. but his stuff isnt as good. me and my gf got a g yesterday and damn near smoked the whole thing and barely got high. feels like i got ripped off. with him its hit or miss. plus this one guy in my town got busted. so i think thats why there is a shortage of some better stuff.

my guy said he has some beasters. ive heard some people think beasters is good and some think they suck. i think theyre not that good.


I never heard beasters over here so I don't know. Sounds like it could be good... people says beast for really powerful or good shit I guess.

brick weed, regs, mid grade, top shelf. Pretty much lol.