My Meijiu $$$ light is "burnt up" how do I get a refund or results from China?

You screwed up the light after being warned, and now you want them to give you your money back? Man.
Don't put a dimmer on your product if it isn't usable. That was a straight bullshit comment and I hope you know it. Must be a miserable ass person...

I hope your being sarcastic.. if I buy a car I expect to be able to use the radio without it catching on fire.
Funny how lots bash Chinese lights when pretty much all of our pumps, fans, heat mats, timers, etc. are also made in china.
Ive gone through a bunch of fans,timers,heat mats, etc. I get mad every time one of those things craps out prematurely. tons of cheap garbage out there, whats your point lol? If a new oscillating fan was a couple hundred $+ instead of $20, id be looking for the best quality American made version of that too. Its an easier hit to take settling on that type of stuff.
I've had the Chinese argument with many people...for example with mountain bike parts, when (say) shimano revamps a product line, the last year's parts get rebranded and sold for Next to nothing, or resold as is and people think they are fake due to the price.

People come out saying they are knockoff trash but don't realise they come from the same exact factory, they just printed a different product name on it. You can literally check the castings for identification/part number. Yet there is still this misconception that it's rebranded trash.

I saved countless cash on 9 and 10 speed derailleurs that simply didn't have the Shimano logo on them.
I've had the Chinese argument with many people...for example with mountain bike parts, when (say) shimano revamps a product line, the last year's parts get rebranded and sold for Next to nothing, or resold as is and people think they are fake due to the price.

People come out saying they are knockoff trash but don't realise they come from the same exact factory, they just printed a different product name on it. You can literally check the castings for identification/part number. Yet there is still this misconception that it's rebranded trash.

I saved countless cash on 9 and 10 speed derailleurs that simply didn't have the Shimano logo on them.
Its common in the gun world too. I know a guy who owns a giant sprawling compound on 100+ acres from making knives and grips and guide rods for 1911's and Berettas, the dudes level of knowledge on firearms was absurd, and he swore up and down that a good % of Rock River 1911's ($450-$650) are made of the same exact steel in the same exact factory as Colt ($1000+)