My Meijiu $$$ light is "burnt up" how do I get a refund or results from China?

A little update, after a month, the "Tech" is supposed to post a video on how to take the wires apart (no shit) from the light so I can fix it... I guess that's some kind of answer.... :wall:

Of course, I could have done that from day 1 myself.
i use this analogy: think of a simple push broom. made in china with labor rates at probably 20 to 30 USD a month or made in usa with labor rates at 20 to 30 USD an hour. which broom retails for less?
Understand the ananolgy was just wondering if you could point me to the place I’ll get 30hr tying whiskers to a stick lol I’m in
they are our enemy. why would you expect differently?

dems support trade unions to guarantee fair (if exorbitant) wages for US workers while repus support illegal labor by refusing to support e-Verify. simple supply and demand would fix the immigration issue. no jobs to non citizens and they stop coming here
Instead of calling union wages exorbitant perhaps you should be looking at others' wages and be calling them ridiculously low.
but seriously, $50 an hour to install 2 wiper blades on a car on the GM assembly line?
Don’t worry looks like they will be ok :hump:

General Motors annual revenue for 2020 was $122.485B,

When there is that much money, someone is always corrupt. Without unions that number would be double.
i would say that unions got a very favorable global wage. but think of this: if those "overly" paid workers had to worry evrery year to get a job/raise would they work so hard???????
The national average for an auto worker (union btw) under $37,000

do I need to do the math for you or can you figure that’s quite a difference?

Look at sports the money they bring in. Without unions those guys would be working regular jobs on the weekdays (which is what some of them still have to do)
Move to China and enjoy
Im not sure why everyone gets so up in arms about China. We do ALL the same shit here. We couldn’t possibly make everything we consume including the parts in the phone your typing on. Why can’t we just accept who we are as a nation?

Are you doing your part to not use ANYTHING with Chinese parts? If not you’re a hypocrite. I know you’re on here a lot. So….
Im not sure why everyone gets so up in arms about China. We do ALL the same shit here. We couldn’t possibly make everything we consume including the parts in the phone your typing on. Why can’t we just accept who we are as a nation?

Are you doing your part to not use ANYTHING with Chinese parts? If not you’re a hypocrite. I know you’re on here a lot. So….
Hell no. I’m a China fiend if I can’t get it from Taiwan :lol: