Well-Known Member
anyone wanna help me make sense of this crazy dream? heres what happened...or what i can remember anyway...
i was in school...high school...and in music class...playing flute or something weird and i had no idea what to the teacher got mad. then i dunno what happened but all of a sudden i was in my elementary school...and people were going nuts...shooting at each other, but the guns werent shooting bullets...i think they were shooting lasers or something like that...and cutting people with these chunks of glass...(or it could have been really sharp plastic). so im trying to get out of there...and i remember climbing on top of things to avoid getting shot and cut...and i was getting lost in the halls of the school...which is strange cuz its a small school. then i got out of the building, and my dad was waiting out i ran up to him and stood on the back of his chair (my dad is in a wheelchair...and its a power chair. i stand on the back of it sometimes). and i tell him to go as fast as he can...meanwhile the whole time im being chased after by these crazed people. then we got dad was totally ok cuz no one was after i told him to go inside where he would be safe...but i didnt go in cuz i didnt want those people to come in after me and put my dad in i jumped on a bus. i was on the bus for a little bit, and then this guy i used to be best friends with when i was little got on the bus and dragged me off, and started running, pulling me along, thru a forest...he was trying to get me away from these people...then he disappeared somewhere in the forest and some other guys i used to be friends with were there...and they were all standing around me, protecting me from getting hurt...and then someone bit my foot and made me bleed...and thats all i remember...i think i woke up shortly after that. wow...that took a long time to remember! lol so what do u all think? aside from the fact that i have really fucked up
i was in school...high school...and in music class...playing flute or something weird and i had no idea what to the teacher got mad. then i dunno what happened but all of a sudden i was in my elementary school...and people were going nuts...shooting at each other, but the guns werent shooting bullets...i think they were shooting lasers or something like that...and cutting people with these chunks of glass...(or it could have been really sharp plastic). so im trying to get out of there...and i remember climbing on top of things to avoid getting shot and cut...and i was getting lost in the halls of the school...which is strange cuz its a small school. then i got out of the building, and my dad was waiting out i ran up to him and stood on the back of his chair (my dad is in a wheelchair...and its a power chair. i stand on the back of it sometimes). and i tell him to go as fast as he can...meanwhile the whole time im being chased after by these crazed people. then we got dad was totally ok cuz no one was after i told him to go inside where he would be safe...but i didnt go in cuz i didnt want those people to come in after me and put my dad in i jumped on a bus. i was on the bus for a little bit, and then this guy i used to be best friends with when i was little got on the bus and dragged me off, and started running, pulling me along, thru a forest...he was trying to get me away from these people...then he disappeared somewhere in the forest and some other guys i used to be friends with were there...and they were all standing around me, protecting me from getting hurt...and then someone bit my foot and made me bleed...and thats all i remember...i think i woke up shortly after that. wow...that took a long time to remember! lol so what do u all think? aside from the fact that i have really fucked up