My mom is allergic to marijuana


I have 4 plants 3weeks old in vegetative state.

My mother tells me that her eyes are swullen and itchy due to the plant.

Is she allergic to the weed?
In that case, what do you do?


Well-Known Member
Seal up the grow area and get a good carbon scrubber. Either that or buy her lots of Claritin.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
It's spring time and the flowers and trees are in bloom. More than likely, she is experiencing alergies to the normal spring blooming period. However, if your mom wants the plants gone and she feels her alergies are directly attributed to your grow, you musr obey her wishes. Right...wrong...or indifferent, she should be shown the respect she deserves and you should find somewhere else to perform your grow. Thats my 2 cents.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Do u have any other plants in your home? Generally, when people say they are allergic to plants, they are actually referring to the pollen. Which strikes me as odd because vegging plants don't produce pollen (or any irritants for that matter). Maybe you have some mold in your house. Check out the inside of your vents to see if there is any serious buildup. Perhaps you should invest in a air purifier for your grow room.


Well-Known Member
just ask her, "mom are you trying to tell me to get rid of my plants?" its really that simple....


Well-Known Member
this is wat u say but mom just wait till the plant is ready and this will be the best bud youve ever smoked HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA


Well-Known Member
You can indeed be allergic to it. It needn't be pollen, either. After touching mj plants (examination of bud sites), in just a little while, my skin on my hands and arms starts itching. It's not too bad, and only lasts 30-60 minutes, but it is definitely an allergic reaction to contact with the plants.

Heck, even the smell of the female buds in bloom almost makes me cough sometimes.

Since I hardly ever have allergy to anything at all, I assume that some folks wouldn't even have to touch the plants in order to have an allergic reaction, even to purely female plants.

That's not to say that your Mother is allergic. But I agree that you should move the plants if your Mother has a problem with them.



Well-Known Member
really i never bothered by pot until i had pollen released never had worse allgeric reations couldnt breath right for weeks


Well-Known Member
You can indeed be allergic to it. It needn't be pollen, either. After touching mj plants (examination of bud sites), in just a little while, my skin on my hands and arms starts itching. It's not too bad, and only lasts 30-60 minutes, but it is definitely an allergic reaction to contact with the plants.

Heck, even the smell of the female buds in bloom almost makes me cough sometimes.

Since I hardly ever have allergy to anything at all, I assume that some folks wouldn't even have to touch the plants in order to have an allergic reaction, even to purely female plants.

That's not to say that your Mother is allergic. But I agree that you should move the plants if your Mother has a problem with them.

That is more then likely an irritant due to the very small needles on the leafs. Not an allergic reaction.


Well-Known Member
You can't be allergic to it! Haha
The hell you cant. I had a mild allergic reaction to my first grow. I would be fine throughout the day as long as I was not home. The minute I came home my nose would become stuffy and my eyes would water and itch. It was very similar to what happens when I am around kitty's. Its not a full on allergic reaction but it was enough to cause some mild discomfort.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Actually, I am allergic to being without marijuana. I break out in cold sweats...become irritable & mean...complainer and's terrible. Thats why I grow. I don't ever want my loved ones to see me go through those "allergic reactions" ever again. :weed: