My mostly indicas grow @ day 85 Week 13 since flip - need opinion

Since thc is psychoactive I would assume a anti psychotic would dull any effects.

maybe don’t smoke?
Maybe just grow for fun and passion?
Maybe eat it?
Maybe grow some mushrooms.
Or maybe it’s all a placebo effect and no one really gets “high”
Na i will call doctor today , i want to quit all meds im taking , fucking bullshit , weed helps me more on the depression than this fucking meds that are fucking my weed pawa
Na i will call doctor today , i want to quit all meds im taking , fucking bullshit , weed helps me more on the depression than this fucking meds that are fucking my weed pawa
Is it just depression your battling? I love pot and growing it. But it’s not a cure all, maybe for aches and pains, but not replacing treatmentn for depression and anxiety or mental illness.
Yup! Probably the combination. Just like you can't get high of LSD, shrooms and MDMA while on benzodiazepines.
I think u solved the mistery , was searching on that and some people are reporting that after starting antipsychotics they cant get high on weed omg :(
Yep … apparently thc and antipsychotic don’t mix. Both work on the morphology of the brain . Stimulus / reward / pleasure are canceled between the 2 . Your meds can also affect cortical vessels as do thc. They even say in some users even thc can stir up psychosis , but have good documented effects against depression and other issues.

Screw big pharma
Think about this just bought weed that didn't get you high. Even with seeds, that's extremely unusual-some of the best weed I ever smoked had tons of seeds. You are consistently smoking weed and not getting high, this leads me to believe the problem is with you and not with the weed.
Ive had seeds in Willies reserve weed and other medical weed so seeds doesn't mean it's junk.
Ive had seeds in Willies reserve weed and other medical weed so seeds doesn't mean it's junk.
It really does. If you're buying weed legally and it has issues like seeds or something then what'd the point? That means the grower did a piss poor job. I will never put a product out that contains seeds or anything harmful.
i could not get high on antipsychotics or antidepressants either. they literally cancel each other out. SSRIs are pooh pooh anyway. and they give u limpdick and make u gain weight. that's why i would much rather just smoke weed when i feel shitty. i'd rather take something from the good green earth than shit made in a lab. i'll take my chances. $0.02
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i wouldnt recommend getting off any type of meds until you talk to your dr first. sometimes your body is dependent on that medicine now and you can really throw.things off balance you may need to wein off the meds slowly.
thats why i dont fuck with pills from big pharma
only dr i need is dr maryjane.
again. pls dont stop taking anything until you talk to your dr first. very important.
i could not get high on antipsychotics or antidepressants either. they literally cancel each other out. SSRIs are pooh pooh anyway. and they give u limpdick and make u gain weight. that's why i would much rather just smoke weed when i feel shitty. i'd rather take something from the good green earth than shit made in a lab. i'll take my chances. $0.02
Have u withdraw the meds , did u get high after that ? and how much longer did u wait
Have u withdraw the meds , did u get high after that ? and how much longer did u wait
I just stopped cold turkey against the advice of my psychiatrist who was a condescending ass anywaze. Would not recommend. Idk, give it a couple weeks and you're golden i guess. I assume no liability tho

That said if you smoke all day every day there will come a point where you will have a harder time getting really smacked regardless what meds ur on or not. Common knowledge, but important nonetheless. Enter, T-break.