Since you are in soil, any sort of dry amendment or compost tea fix will have a delayed effect. Not saying this is not a great route, it will just take some time.
If you want to get that plant healthy as quickly as possibly, make sure your ph is on, grab a liquid nutrient like Pure Blend Pro and start at quarter strength, move your way up, make sure you are allowing for dry(er) periods of time allowing for the best environment for your soil system. If you are over-watering, or watering too often, baddies are going to take over, and by then it will be hard as fuck to turn the bus around.
You are allowing for dryish periods, correct?
If you want to get that plant healthy as quickly as possibly, make sure your ph is on, grab a liquid nutrient like Pure Blend Pro and start at quarter strength, move your way up, make sure you are allowing for dry(er) periods of time allowing for the best environment for your soil system. If you are over-watering, or watering too often, baddies are going to take over, and by then it will be hard as fuck to turn the bus around.
You are allowing for dryish periods, correct?
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