My mother....


Active Member
Hey, ok so i have some indoor babies and every once and while i get leaves that arent looking good enough for my standards are i take them off and throw them away.
Here's where it gets weird. she tells me not to throw them away and give them to her so she can smoke them. she puts them in the micro wave for a 30 second dry and rolls it up in a dewbie and smokes it.
What i'm wondering it even worth it???
she says it gets her baked but i dont belive her.
some help please
thank you
i highly doubt it, but the mind (or, placebo effect rather) is a powerful thing. if she thinks shes getting high, convinces herself shes getting high, and has a good time.... power to her i say! let her smoke up that nasty crap lol

of course this is assuming it isnt an argument. i have these arguments with my mother a lot (she believes in psychics) and i just cant help but put her in her place and call her crazy.
Mothers are always crazy. Technically she could be getting some affects of the THC is the leaves had enough on it. I have tried ingesting leaves before and more often than not I got a headache, no THC affects though. The leaves closer to the colas have more THC on them but you probably knew that already.
haha im with you on that placebo affect...
but you know whats crazy is my mom IS a psychic...readings on the phone and stuff...hahaha
I told my mother I was starting a medical grow and she told me how she used to grow it in the basement and smoke the leaves, she did not even know what a "bud" was. I told her to come over and she what smoking is really like after I harvest!
she has voted but not the past couple times because shes hated almost all of the choices...especially last time.
...naaa hates obama...thinks hes not gonna change a thing
i read somewhere once before that the leaves and even the buds contain chlorophyll, which will have a sleepy affect on your mum, i would say she felt drowzy not baked lol:eyesmoke::eyesmoke: