my neighbor has a light on his garage all night will that affect my plants flowering?


my plants are behind my house but my neighbor has a light on his garage and it seems like his light kinds reflects towards my plants will that stop them from flowering?


New Member
I have seen street lamps fuck up a plant and half of it flowered and half did not as it was the lower receiving bleed off light from the street .


Active Member
i reckon its fine. the lights quite far. good luck. we hootin 4 ya! there is many a times gonna be unatural light sources hit your flowers, maybe unless your out in the middle of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Get some BBQ black spray paint an paint the pane of glass facing your babies if its a street light.

if its one piece of glass just tweak the light over an inch.
Hopefully it will be not noticeable by the neighbor.
unless he tokes then he will gladly adjust his light!