My neighbor is growing weed

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Ryan briden

New Member
My neighbor is a dick and he's growing weed. I wanna steal his plants (sativa) but I wanna get them when it's ready to be harvest I took a branch off and I wanna know when it's ready for harvest is really risky hopping in his yard to lok at the plants every day so if you could tell me how much longer that would be great ( my pic is the branch I took off)



Well-Known Member
And you ruined the branch you already stole. Its early still. Not telling you how much longer.

Ryan briden

New Member
Don't steal other peoples plants. Doesn't matter if he's a dick. Don't steal someone else's hard work. I bet if you asked him about it, he may give you some. Don't don't don't steal his plants.
I've seen him hit my dog that was telling last straw


Active Member
My neighbor is a dick and he's growing weed. I wanna steal his plants (sativa) but I wanna get them when it's ready to be harvest I took a branch off and I wanna know when it's ready for harvest is really risky hopping in his yard to lok at the plants every day so if you could tell me how much longer that would be great ( my pic is the branch I took off)
Lmao omg ur crazy. Aren't u worried what he will do if he finds out? What if he like beats the crap out of u? Or worse? Idk. Sounds risky and the guy lives next door. Hey, I got an idea. Why don't u kinda hint to him that u know and ur cool with it and maybe u guys can like become friends. Weird things happen every day :-) ahhh male bonding. Oh and I'm pretty sure that he knows that someone is hip to his grow now. I mean u took a branch. Couldn't u just take a pic? Any who be careful whatever u decide to do. :-)


Active Member
Looks very early bro i'd give it another 1-2 months and check back :D if people are dumb enough to grow in there yard without concealment it's their own karma


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious! Not legal at all where I'm at so reading these post about people just growing shit wherever is just stupid.
If I was stupid enough, legal or not, to just grow shit out in my backyard the neighborhood crackheads would steal it for sure. They steal anything else thats not bolted down.


Well-Known Member
I hope he's got a machete so you know what it feels like to have your "branch" ripped off. Just saying.
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