My neighbors dog.

Ya, I don't know who he is. I've never seen him in the grow sections, which is where I usually hang out. The dog thing pissed me off though.

I get it. He's got a Clayton Bigsby sense of humor. When I first got to TNT, Clayton made a thread where he was abusing his grandma in various ways, and everyone was cheering him on and made cruel suggestions of their own. I was like, 'what a bunch of monsters!' until I realized the it was simply dark humor. TNT doesn't have that same edge anymore.
I get it. He's got a Clayton Bigsby sense of humor. When I first got to TNT, Clayton made a thread where he was abusing his grandma in various ways, and everyone was cheering him on and made cruel suggestions of their own. I was like, 'what a bunch of monsters!' until I realized the it was simply dark humor. TNT doesn't have that same edge anymore.
I thought it's usually all balls and wieners here.
Your neighbor is in the wrong for not assuming reasonability for his dogs where bouts at all times and hence this shouldn't be happening.. But the way you handle this.... What a spineless pussy. You rather take the time to post about this on here, go set traps, throw rocks, yell at the dog and even go as far as considering poison? Why don't you go next door and talk to the owner of the dog like a normal fucken person. Perhaps words can solve this issue? Why is it soo many people want to resort to violence or the most extremes measures out of "frustration" when really things like having a conversation could probably put this issue to rest. So many adults act like infants in diapers. @kelly4
Some freshly rural city dude bought a piece of land adjacent to my sheep farming neighbor and promptly built a nice house. Dude probably bought the land because it was pretty and had an excellent swimming pond About 2 acres oval. His overflow culvert
got plugged up and he let the pond get too high to the point it was overflowing and cutting rivulets where sheep farmer didn’t want water scarring pasture and compromising fencing. A polite conversation later sheep farmer told me new dude didn’t care about the unwanted water and that in fact his wife liked the high pond as she found it akin to an infinity edge pool.

A couple weeks later coyotes took the guts out of six lambs. The next night six lambs were erected on crude pikes circling the pond. Summertime in the Midwest the smell takes a few days but death stinks eventually. Obviously city dude got the point and cleared his culvert. The lambs were dispatched in a bale of straw slathered in homemade napalm. Never a problem with dude again.

Whats this got to do with a dog shitting in your yard? Nothing. But whenever possible choose the high road cause why be a dick.