Well-Known Member
Real pros take their ventilation seriously. You're gonna grow some really happy weed in that room man.
Cheers Beanz
Unfortunately i dont think im going to have the time to commit myself to a journal about it. I may just post the odd pic here and there.
I cant believe how Cool the glass is on the blockbuster.
At first i switched it all on and only forgot to switch on the RVK150L1 for the light system and amazingly the 600w wasnt heating the glass very much at all! It took me almost 10mins to realise id forgotten to switch it on. needless to say the glass hasnt got any hotter since turning it on. lol.
Let me know when you want a hand designing your area.
If you ever upgrade to a 600w i would highly recommend the SUN SYSTEMS BLOCKBUSTER as a hood!