my new cool grow cabinet


Active Member
Yes your ventilation is fine(Assuming those blue lines on your pictures are ducting) but make sure you exhaust the air out of the room your cabinet is in, where are you planning on bringing in your air from ?


Active Member
Im sure that screen is just so the doors dont go all the way inside the cabinet when they are closed lol


Well-Known Member
oh ok its has two doors lol. so the whole point of having the cabinet grow is so no one sees it? is that why you wouldnt just leave the doors open instead of finding a way to bring the air in?


Well-Known Member
right near the cabinet there is a hole door/window i will be bringing it in from this will that be ok


Well-Known Member
a small update, the doors will be guled shut and i have cut a door out at the back
i think that is a bad idea. you dont want to move this thing everytime you want to get into it, all your plants will get jostled and maybe fall over, or the whole damn armoire will fall!

just seal the doors up in the front, there are enough threads on here or on google that show how to seal up the doors. very nice cab, but I also would not force intake, because when smell control becomes an issue your intake will force the stink out of your cab through every nook and cranny except for the exhaust fan where you would put your carbon filter. all in all good design, and the cubby in the bottom is great to prevent intake light leaks.


Well-Known Member
i think that is a bad idea. you dont want to move this thing everytime you want to get into it, all your plants will get jostled and maybe fall over, or the whole damn armoire will fall!

just seal the doors up in the front, there are enough threads on here or on google that show how to seal up the doors. very nice cab, but I also would not force intake, because when smell control becomes an issue your intake will force the stink out of your cab through every nook and cranny except for the exhaust fan where you would put your carbon filter. all in all good design, and the cubby in the bottom is great to prevent intake light leaks.
but dont you have to have intake in any grow room ??


Well-Known Member
yes you do, but you dont want to force ar with a fan. your exhaust fan will pull the air in through the intake. make sense?

oh, when i said seal the doors before i meant to seal up light leaks they have so you can still use them.


Well-Known Member
umm i dont get what you mean so if i didnt have the inline fan i will still get air coming in though the exaust fan??

yer and i no what you ment by seal it up for the light leaks