My new experiment


Well-Known Member
I have decided to give hydro a go so i thought i would do a little experiment
I have got 2 master kush feminised seeds and germinated them both and then planted in soil (did this as i lost 2 fem seeds after planting straight into rockwool after germination )
I have had them in the greenhouse for a few weeks and they are both about 6 inches tall with about 8 leaves and are in fact identical
2 days ago i rinsed one of them to get all the dirt off the roots and put into my home made bubbler and then placed both under my 600 hps
Now to see how much difference there will be in growth and more importantly yield
I am using greenfuse nutes which it says on the bottle can be used in soil and hydro and will hopefully let me keep as much of it the same for both plants so as to get a more accurate outcome

The only thing i have noticed already is the one in the bubbler seems to be a lighter green then the one in soil and the roots have already gone mad but apart from that they are both the same at the moment

I will get some pictures and try and get a journel going if anyones interested

Hopefully there will be enough of a difference to make the hydro worth fully converting to

cheers Bifter :joint:


Active Member
What light cycle are you using ?I`ve heard that it helps when they have a dark time.I don`t know myself but I would like Too.Plus I would think that the plant in the bubbler would get more of the nutes as the soil would hold some of them.Also run a small fan on them to thicken the stems and cool them. Just A Thought..Good Luck on your Grow.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High !!


Well-Known Member
Yes i have all the usual things in the grow room and i have them on 24/7 at the moment ,are people thinking an 18 hr light cycle might be better ?


Active Member
I'v read about probs in veg, the only thing that it could of been was 24/7 light, never read about prob with18/6
24/7 seems not natural to me ,but I have no first hand ex with it


I'v read about probs in veg, the only thing that it could of been was 24/7 light, never read about prob with18/6
24/7 seems not natural to me ,but I have no first hand ex with it
Ive been using 20/4 in veg and have no problems. I previously grew in soil and used 18/6 dunno why i changed but i did.
i always think they need a rest a some stage i dont go with 24/0. I do know people that do in veg and also have had no problems.


Well-Known Member
I have always usually done 18/6 but i read in one of the bibles that cannabis does benefit from a 24 hour light cycle so i thought i would see what happens


Well-Known Member
Haven't you guys noticed that your plants get the "sleepy" look after only 15/16 hours of light?

There was a post around here a while back about 16 hours being the most productive amount of light for plants. There was a chart with percentages and all kinds of goodies. After 16 hours of light the percentage of growth was reduced slightly by the time it reached 18 hours. Anything over 18 hours actually decreased the percentages.

I know it sounds weird but I have done all kinds of shit over the years and I found 16-18 hours is best. Experience blows away any books or charts anytime 8)

Good luck


16/18 sounds interesting and as you say nothing beats experience will give this ago on next round of clones always lookin to improve stuff being a tweaker lol Thanks


Well-Known Member
Right well its been just over a week since the start of this and firstly i will say sorry for not getting any pictures up yet but you know how it is you get home have some tea and then next thing you have a bifter in your hand and forget all about pictures
Well i must say im dissapointed with the hydro so far as the plant that is in soil is twice the size as the one in the bubbler but the one in the bubbler has a mass of roots ,apart from that there is nothing to report
just hoping the bubbler plant will have a growing spurt soon or i might have to look at trying to transplant it to soil as it doesnt seem worth the extra power to keep it as it is
cheers for now Bifter


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any ideas why the one in a bubbler is a lot smaller ? and how often do i need to change the water in the bubbler ?