My new (first) setup


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

im starting up a site underneath my stairs, i plan to have only 5-6 plants, with a mother and kids chamber.

Im going to use T5s with blue LED and RED blue. To grow these orchids im gonna need 2 of each LED.

I haven't decided what strain to get but im liking purple kush, and a few others.

heres a few pics for the initial setup

im thinking of mounting shelves that run perpindcular to the stairs. Its 7 inches tall from the baseboard of a higher stair to the top of the lower stair. Basically a place i can put clones.

I have a lot of ideas

WIsh me luck

This is the first stage i just cleaned it out, it was freaking nasty.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to ventilate. There are slices of wood missing from the bottom of each stair which provides some ventilation, put how do i setup a vent system here hmm...

the other wall is a bathroom that has a duct for air conditioning.



Active Member
That is a pretty tight space. I'm sure it can be done.

Good idea on the LEDS. Finding the right type of wave length might be difficult. If you use LEDS you might have less of a problem with heat and not need to consider ventilation in that area.

I see a water heater.. you could tie directly into the exhaust vent of that if you wanted I bet.

Good luck and I look forward to watching your project unfold.


Active Member
I vote water heater vent... easy install and perfect for indoor grow setup...

Vents high up and has some built in suction!! I'm currently working on mine too! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
just want to let everyone know i tested the water heater with all showers in my place going on full blast and you could barely feel any heat coming off the heater.

I was worried this might be a problem with drying my plants out



Well-Known Member
looks like an electric water hearter.. no ex. fan ....good thought though. have you thought on drilling hole in stairs for ventilation. if you dont want to run a fan. i suggest a fan. just to keep fresh air movin. anyway good luck with the grow. i am growing in a small space to. i call it my grow box. 8'x2'x60" high. divided in half for flowering 4'x2'x60" high. the other half of 8' i made 2 shelfs for veging. 4"x2'x 37" high. and for the little guys 4'x2'x22" high.

joe dirt


Well-Known Member
there is a space above the heater that goes all the way up the ventilation of the bathroom. IOm going to use that as my output for air, there is also a nice 2 inch gap between the first and second step. This will be for my negative pressure. In front of it is the front door so plenty of new air whenever i open her up.

ill post pics in a bit


Active Member

Went through all the feminized seeds. These are the closest to what you like.

Alaskan Ice - Never grew any Alaskan strains. But from what I hear, it's top notch.

Hawaiian Snow - VERY thick smoke, this strain should be smoked out of bongs... pipes will make u cough a lot . This will get you pretty fucking retarded.... the creeping aspect is 100% will barely feel high when you first smoke it... it takes about 20 minutes or so for it to really hit u...moderately easy to grow. not homogeneous at all... I've had genetics alllll over the place. NOT the social kind of weed... you will be too high to be able to carry a conversation.

Strawberry Haze - I grew strawberry haze all through 2006.. a very relaxed grow, one problem I came across was the watering. Its a water freak. keep the PH under 6 (when you flush the plants, raise it to 7). it loves loves loooooves potassium (k) when you start flowering (dont bat guano this plant too much). If you let it flower a little longer than usual, the smell will be overpowering. The smell wasnt of strawberries..smelled more like the sweetess of small flowers. The body high is very mild, you can barely feel it.. Head high is through the fucking roof. This is the kind of weed you smoke with girls.. It gets them very... bouncy... giggly....


Well-Known Member

Alaskan Ice - Never grew any Alaskan strains. But from what I hear, it's top notch.

Hawaiian Snow - This will get you pretty fucking retarded.... the creeping aspect is 100% true...

Strawberry Haze - The body high is very mild, you can barely feel it.. Head high is through the fucking roof. This is the kind of weed you smoke with girls.. It gets them very... bouncy... giggly....
maybe i should try all 3 hahaha

btw root just sprouted so im gonna wait another day or two then push them in


Active Member
do you have the soil made yet? it should be your next project.

for the price... u can get all 3.. since they are feminized seeds, you dont need a bunch of seeds... just one and start cloning it.

when the Blue LEDs come in, surround the plant as close as you can.... make it look like a football stadium.... lights around it with no light up top (only reds can be put at the top).... you dont want it to grow up... you want it to grow sideways. you dont want any light leaks... since the LED's dont get hot... surround your plant with the black/white poly (white side in), u can keep the top open... cylinder shaped.

As the plant grows, slowly direct it towards the side you want to tie it down to.(remember... the thicker the string the better... u dont want it cutting into your plant so stay away from nylon) jew it up swastika style :bigjoint:

everyone talks shit about LED's because they
1. cant afford it....
2. think the same rules are applied to LED (far from it... its a COMPLETELY different grow... its like comparing diving to swimming... and saying its the same just because both involve a pool)
3. forget there is no heat. and places them far away. u can literally touch the plants with LED's...the closer the better..
4. was able to grow with the Blues... but when they got to the red...they didnt know how to distribute the light correctly.:wall:

the flowering stage is the hardest part when using LEDs... you will be moving your reds every other day, isolating bud sites. choose carefully, you will sacrifice some potential bud area to grow out the best parts of the plant... think of it as selective growing! :-P

always keep your blues on the bottom of the plant. remember... never at the top! you want the top to be saturated by as much red as possible. i'm guessing by the time you get to this stage, you will have taken clones... so you will be only using 2/5 of your blues and 5/5 of your reds on the flowering plant.

Go to walmart, and get a spray bottle (try the hair section). leafs consume water from the underside, the finer the mist, the better the water droplets stick to the plant... allowing for a higher absorbtion rate.

I could go on and on about my <3 for LED's... so many positives. been using them for a long time now... i never wanna use another light source again. maybe the mini T5's because they aid to isolation.

and to think you will have a full grow setup with clones and flowering.... using only 130 watts!

lol... i should be a weed professor.:eyesmoke:

any questions?? ;-)


Well-Known Member
no questions,

im more excited about this type of grow because its so experimental. My stuff came in the next day while i was on monday ill prepare the soil


Active Member
that sucks... at least u now know its shipped in 1 day.

watch out for your nutrients... start slow... you dont need to add a bunch once a week... dilute it and give it in parts, once a day. see how it goes...



Active Member
A cigar is being sent to you with a present inside. It's been placed on the bottom of the tube. good luck.

It should be arriving sometime tomorrow...

PS - Hold on to the cigar for me plz.