My new grow day 5

Have you got them watered deeply? Those tap roots will head down fast so there should be moisture down there.

I start in smaller pots and work up in size to have a good mass of roots before they go into final pots. I also cut the bottom of the rootballs off at each transplant to make sure the roots branch out and fill the whole pot from top to bottom.

Those look like pretty good grow bags with lots of rings to tie to when training. I just use plastic pots.

Good luck with them!

So they don't sit in their runoff and reabsorb flushed nutrients. Assuming you're gonna be using synthetic nutes, at some point you're probably going to be watering to runoff.

With my plastic pots I have them sitting in trays and if they don't have raised rims or something to hold them up a bit I use a glue gun to put bumps on the trays or bottom of the pots so water can get out easier. I rarely have runoff to remove tho.
