My new medical grow


Noob here and I have some purposed plans for my new grow. First let me say I am new to growing but I am familiar with ph balance, nutrients (phosphates, potassium, and nitrogen), lights, lux, par, etc. I plan on growing hydro on this one. I want to use a 250 watt MH to veg. I plan on grabbing some clones here locally. IF I must, I will get seeds through an online vendor. Only then will I set up a T5 light cabinet for seedlings.

I want to use either a 2x2x6 or a 3x3x6 tent using a 400 hps to flower. I eventually want to get a carbon filter/fan I seen on hrydo wholesale (do you know a better site?). I think it moves somewhere around 115cfm. Heat is an issue, I live in Arizona and the temps hit over 100 in the summer.

Do you guys think I need a 600 watter? I’d really like to say away from that heat if I can. Also how many plants can I get growing either with a sog or scrog in my tents? I want to do at least 6 or so plants. Please point me in the right direction.


I forgot to add, what do you guys think of vegging under 250mh? Also could I get away with a 4ft tall tent?


Active Member
I would recommend getting a real inline fan, something with like 400 cfm.
How many plants you grow depends on your how you want to grow them.


Active Member
You could veg with the 250 in the 2x2, but I think it's a little small for the 3x3. That's if you have the tents packed from wall to wall.


The reason for the 250 MH is because I already have it but if its better to veg 400 watts please let me know. Approximately how many plants can I fit comfortably in a 2x2 sog? And how much with would you with a scrog? If I go 2x2x4 is 400 watts enough for a sog or scrog? I don’t want to have issues with plants or equipment getting tangled.


Active Member
I think a four foot cab is too small for a 400. In my 5 foot I have 2 feet of growing space.
What hydro method are you planning on using and why?


Though I’m not entirely clear on the different “methods” I plan on using what I read to be called a static solution culture. The reason I picked hyrdo, is because I hear/read it but out more yield. The grower has a lot more controllability as opposed to soil. Tidiness (no soil). Also because I have a background in saltwater fish; and with that comes a lot water chemistry. So all-in-all I am familiar with some (very little) of the dynamics. I want to go either with a sog or a scrog because I’d like to yield more frequently also with this method I can try new buds more often.


Active Member
Just know that hydro is more maintenance and imo it takes up more space.
If you do two 5 gallon deep water cultures in a scrog and you could get real good results.
However if you want to yield more frequently and try new buds more often (these are two of my main principles for my grow), I recommend autoflowering strains. If you don't know about them they finish in usually about 10 weeks total and you don't have to change the light cycle for flowering.
This means you can have multiple generations of plants under the same light in the same cab. Meaning if you start seeds when your first generation is 5 weeks old and replant every time you harvest you can be harvesting every five weeks.


I grow under a 400w for vegging and flowering. I think a 250w is good to get you started if you already have one but if you are like me and only have 1 tent so far, you may need to convert back and forth between veg and flower setups in the room. I got a 400w setup for $120 bucks on ebay. You can find quite a bit of decent grow equipment on there for cheep. It shipped to my house with a 400w ballast, Hood (cheep cheep need to upgrade), socket, 400w MH, and 400w HPS bulb. I like to grow varieties of strains not only because you get to try more variety but also because it makes your room more resilient to disease imo than growing all the same strain from the same mother. Happy Growing!


Wow very cool cycle you have going there with auto flowering. Anyone else have any input on auto flowering?

Ruben161 how are you growing and how big of a tent do you have, how many plants, etc?