My Nigerian Sativa Grow! (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
also for a 104 cubic feet of a 4x4.6.5 tent what would be the optimum and reasonable cfm to push with the carbon filter and fan? i went to the room today and its been a day or so of 12/12 but its already getting quite "aromatic" lmfao


Well-Known Member
looks very good however, uncharacteristic of a looks like straight indica, my friend, you have what is a hybrid or an indica

hopefully they are happy in their new home, the latest pics looks like they could use a transplant and you also fed them a tad too much.

anyway man it really does look great dont sweat it its going to turn out pretty good.
actually your right, i got the seeds from some bud a friend of mine grew outdoors. nigerian and hash plant, well i just used seeds from that because he said one of the feminized seeds he put out turned out male and polinated the rest so i figured it was a nigerian but judging by the looks it doesnt seem so. im pretty sure it was pollenated by a male hash plant. so if what ive read has any truth to it, then what i have is in a fact a hybrid. how would you imagine nigerian and hash plant crossed to turn out?


Active Member
those plants look 80% indica, also I would get something better to put them in. Just hanging up mylar is going to have light leaks. Mount the ballast outside of the room to keep temps lower.


Well-Known Member
my 4x4x6.5 mylar tent and carbon filter is gunna be here wednesday. so this problem should be solved soon!

so 80% hash plant 20% nigerian? how could you imagine that turning out


Well-Known Member
wait. UPDATE! my theory i had for what its going to be was wrong! its actually blackjack not hashplant... so how would blackjack and nigerian be?


Well-Known Member
went to the room today. the temperature and humidity we perfect in the room and the house didnt smell at all. it was beginning to. everything is looking good except for one plant was looking droopy, with purple stems and overall unhealthy. then when i went to water it the water ran right through. so in panic i transplanted it. what could be wrong with it. and now you can see my official setup! the only thing thats getting changed is the hangers for my light. im gunna just use chain. tell me what you think about the current setup as well as what could be wrong with the plant



Well-Known Member
looking good ! you should start flowering now :D if not now you'll have a sea of green in your tent lol , its hard to tell the problem . could be a number of things :/

im sure it will be fine though , btw im back from texas and my baby survived


Well-Known Member
its been almost a week since i set up my tent and when i did i looked at my timer and realized that it wasnt on, so my plants have basically been vegging under the 400 since the 23rd, i was ultra salty. owell i fixed the error of my ways and made sure it was working, but now ive lost like 2+ weeks of progress. owell, i guess that was the biggest noob mistake of the grow so far lmfao


Well-Known Member
HOLLY SHIT ! HAHAHA ! thats insanity man , when do you plan to flower ? post some more pictures :)


Well-Known Member
well flowering has been officially in real full swing for 1 week officially. im going to check up on the babies tomorrow so i will take pictures, do you think i will be able to see any preflowers by one week?


Well-Known Member
went today to water, the plant tat wasnt doing so is now alive and kicking again! all the babies were alot bigger, :)


Well-Known Member
this coming thursday will be two weeks flowering. i still cant tell sex, they all have balls, but they are small and almost look like calyxes. they arent like big grapes attached to stems. but more slim and pear shaped. i know they cant ALL be male. cause 12 out of 12 plants being male would be terrible. and some plants have ends that either look like the beginning of buds, or just new growth and im just trippin. help me out. because even with all the tutorials ive seen not 1 plant has any form of pistil yet. maybe im just being impatient. but heres some pics for you guys. tell me what you think!



Well-Known Member
well if they were all germinated together and all came from the same gene pool then its possible , but the likelyness is really rare , that would be like winning the unlucky lottery , iv really never seen a strain anywhere online that looks quite like yours so it could be learning how your buds or sacks form , it just takes patience, took me a long time before i was able to sex mine like 12-13 days , and even then i was'nt 100% sure , not im like 110% sure mine is a female lol


Well-Known Member
Went to the hydro store and got big bloom and tiger bloom and got a free container of humboldt's own snow storm ultra. went to the room today and could finally determine the sex... Out of 12 plants i only got 4 females. im kind of bitter but now im trying to make the best of it. here some pics! i must be optomistic cause 4 females is better than no females!



Well-Known Member
so two days ago i went to check on my babies and transplant in the three gallon pots and snapped few pics. it was the first time i fed them the tigerbloom and bigbloom. i also used the snow storm ultra for the first time. thursday wil be 3 weeks flowering and i think they are doing pretty well. i also added perlite to the mix and finally got a ph tester to check my ph. in some of the pics if you look close you can already see the beginning of trichome development but look close! tell me what you think!

