My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB


Well-Known Member
What's up folks?
Gearing up for the 2011 outdoor season here and thought you might like to see what's going on here on the mountain.
Any comments, questions, ideas, and pictures are all welcome here. I just don't want any stupid bickering on this thread, this is a place to learn not a place to argue. To disagree is cool, but lets not make it a shoot-out! If we can all learn by your comments, or if your just stopping by to say hello, you have a question to ask, please post. I like to see what people have to say, and answer a few questions along the way.

Done with the disclaimer, now on with the good stuff!

My 9 monsters, I'm calling my thread this because that's the plan for this year. I have a 17' x 16' (bastard size, i have know idea why it turned out that size, heavily medicated that day I'm guessing, hell garden site that's enclosed by a 6' chain-link fence with a wired top over it. I'm growing 4 girls in there. I have an 8'x10' greenhouse made from sliding glass doors and plastic that I plan on putting 1 plant in. There's an area between the "weed cage" and the green house where I will grow another 4 plants.
Let me post a few pictures of the weed cage and the greenhouse. The greenhouse has a spring run finishing up in there, so we get to see some bud porn too!


Well-Known Member
Thunderdome or as it's know, "The Weed Cage".

"I know you won't break the rules, cause there aren't any"!.......MadMax



Well-Known Member
Nice set up. What kind of strains are you growing this summer? Peace, jethead
Great Question....
I have 12 girls ready for the show this summer/fall. I have 4-SR 71 Purple Kush from TLD that are from 3 to 5 foot tall. Last year I grew 1 plant of this strain and she produced almost 1600 grams (3.5lbs) and she was only 2 foot when she whet in the ground in May last year.
I have 4 of "The Purps" that are between 2-3 foot tall. Last year I had 3 in the garden. 2 went into flowering went put into the garden in May, so they had a rough summer, and only produced about 14-16 ounces between the two. The third "Purps" did much better, she produced just over 900 grams. 6' foot tall and 7-8 feet w i d e !
Two Chemo Cindy's ready for the summer. Last year I had a Chemo Cindy that was attacked by a Mole or Gopher. That bastard ate 90% of the main root ball, so the plant never died, but had no real buds, just TONS of little bud-lets. I think if the mole/gopher wasn't in issue she would have produced between 1000-1400 grams. (All raised beds have a "cage" built under them made from half inch hardware cloth this year)
And two Mind Bender x Afghangooey.

So I'm thinking...
2-SR-71's and 2 Purps in the cage
1-SR-71, 2 Purps, and 1 Chemo Cindy's between the cage/greenhouse
and another Chemo Cindy or another SR-71 in the greenhouse....maybe both...then I will need to change the title of this thread to: MY 10 MONSTERS. The Mind Bender X Afghangooey will not make the show this year. I will flower them next month.

I'll get some pictures of the 12 girls soon.


Active Member
Sounds good. Man, your going to have some serious weight. Is that the "Mendo" Purps ? Good luck. Peace, jethead


Well-Known Member
Thought I would share the design I will use this year in the cage. I will use a SCROG design this year since I had great success with it last year. The biggest down fall I had last year was access to the whole plant. Last year the SCROG was against the back fence, and had a hard time getting to all the plant. This year the SCROG will go north and south vs. east and west like last year. There will be aisles where I can get to all 4 plants easily.
cage design.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've grown i n this same spot the two previous seasons, so the soil is well worked.
This year I added;
FF bat Guano 0-5-0
Dolamite lime
Powered Alaskan Fish emulsion concentrate
Dr. Earths Fish bone meal
4cu ft of perlite
Humic acid
Bone meal
Blood Meal
Chicken manure Compost
Steer manure compost
Composted horse manure
Forest humus
I rototilled this in about a month ago and watered one to two times a week since. Then I turned with a pitch fork.and added more water. I let this mix marinate awhile trying to get those "micro-beastie-herd alive and active before the plants go in.


Well-Known Member
Geesh treeman, that's a pretty fancy drawing. The best I could do was a dry marker & white board at home. lol!

P.S. You've got one hell of a(oops!) set-up treeman. This might be worth a road trip this summer down your way, just to get my picture taken in front of it!8)



Active Member
Sounds like a magic mix TreeMan. No time to cook the soil for my smartpots so it looks like I will be doing nutes w/water. Does your mix get you all the way to the end or do you add at flowering?


Well-Known Member
TMB looking good will be watching this grow again. I like the mix you are using also. I have to second what JJ said it would be worth a trip. You need me to bring ingredients down. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Geesh treeman, that's a pretty fancy drawing. The best I could do was a dry marker & white board at home. lol!

P.S. You've got one hell of a(oops!) set-up treeman. This might be worth a road trip this summer down your way, just to get my picture taken in front of it!8)
Brother you are welcome here any time, hell Yosemite is right up the road and I'm a great tour guide, stay for a weekend....or two, and we can get your picture in front of HALF DOME TOO!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a magic mix TreeMan. No time to cook the soil for my smartpots so it looks like I will be doing nutes w/water. Does your mix get you all the way to the end or do you add at flowering?
The strains I grow are PIGS! (well the SR-71 is) they will eat-up everything I throw their way. I will only use BMO Super plant tonic the first few months, there should be enough goodies in that soil mix to get them that far, unless I can see they need more.
When I do feed I use MAXSEA 16-16-16 until the end of August. Then MAXSEA 3-20-20 (bloom). The SR-71 is a late bloomer/finisher, she won't be done until mid-late November.


Well-Known Member
TMB looking good will be watching this grow again. I like the mix you are using also. I have to second what JJ said it would be worth a trip. You need me to bring ingredients down. dirrtyd
Hitch a ride from jj, you both are from the 916 (I think) common down, we'll make a weekend of it, Yosemite is BEAUTIFUL this time of year! Camp at my property, 10 acres in the foothills!