My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

Hello all-
I posted an ad in my local Craigslist for a used Carport Frame. I had his gal respond to my ad, said she had a disassembled frame that blew over in the wind. One of the poles was bent, which worked fine for me because I only needed 3 of the 4 upright sections per side for my grow area, so it's a 10' x 14' carport/greenhouse now. She was asking $15 for the disassembled frame. I jumped of that offer like it was a $20 bill lying on the ground.
Got it home, assembled it, and put 4ml plastic over the top. I will put 4ml plastic on one side to act as a visual barrier sometime next week. The 4ml plastic is hard to see through, so it should act good as a visual barrier. My garden area looks like a "greenhouse city", I have plastic over the cage right now, the new jj style carport, and the "sliding glass door" greenhouse are all lined up in a row.
The carport did the job last night, we got just under a half inch of rain last night, and snow levels down to 3000ft expected tonight. I think I got it up JUST IN TIME!
I will get pictures soon, the area is a mess right now, between construction, digging bigger holes, getting the girls into the ground, I'm in the middle/end of my spring harvest, and my vegetable garden is in that area too, I haven't had a chance to clean the area up.
I'll be back soon-
I Was Wondering About using Fish/heads to my plants. you can add it straight to the soil,water,turn 7days,and plant? Are there other ways?
Srry I didnt finish reading before I commented... Good too know Ill will be adding Redfish and Specs to my Babies...
Hello all-
Woke up to 36 degree temps this morning, everything looks good this morning (no frost damage). The forecast calls for more rain/snow the next couple of days, then clearing and temps near 80 by weeks end.
Hello All-
Just a bit of an update from the garden...
3 more girls were put into the ground on 5-11-11, 2 Mad Purps, and 1 SR-71 PK. The the 4th girl to go under the carport (Sr-71 PK) the top was eaten off by my wifes horse, so it started having issues, half the plant died, so I kicked it to the curb. Now she has 4 fat tops growing out, and healthy as hell, so she will get her spot back under the car port.
3-SR-71's in the ground and loving it, and 4-Mad Purps that are in the ground may need to be switched out. Their starting to flower even having a light over them and on a 15/9 schedule. I'm thinking if they don't start re-vegging by June 1st, I have 4 other 2 foot tall Mad Purps that I was going to do a summer indoor run with. I''ll just switch them..... garden girls go into pots and into the flower room, and the summer girls get a spot in the outdoor garden.
The greenhouse is being cleaned out from my spring harvest, and readied for the last, and biggest SR-71PK, eye level now in a 5 gallon bucket and I'm 6'-4". I'm building a 4'x4' raised bed in the greenhouse for her, she will be SCROGGED too.
I will update with pictures soon.
Sounds awsome bro, I want to see some pic's!

P.S. Don't forget to pick up a few concrete blocks, just in case!
Hello all-
You asked, and here it is....a TMB photo update!
These first few are the "jj style carport green house.

These next couple are of the vegetable garden, seems like most growers have some sort of vegetable garden, thought I'd share a bit of mine!

Here are some pictures of some lettuce I picked today from my greenhouse!

Finally a few shots from the "Weed Cage", and the MONSTER SR-71 going into the greenhouse,

Enjoy the photos,
What's up Hodge...
The "spring harvest" pictures is of the Mad Purps. I put 6 in the greenhouse the first week of March, and another 6 the 2nd week of March. The Mad Purps are all done and hanging, or in jars. I have 1-SR-71 PK to trim, 1-Mind Bender X Afghangooey, and 1- Jack Herer left. The SR-71 will be trimmed this week, and the MB x Gooey and Jack next week.
I'm building a 4'high x 4'deep x 8' long "bud box" to force flower another 16 girls starting next week. Plan on a August 1st harvest.....busy busy!.
Thanks for checking in...
What's up Hodge...
The "spring harvest" pictures is of the Mad Purps. I put 6 in the greenhouse the first week of March, and another 6 the 2nd week of March. The Mad Purps are all done and hanging, or in jars. I have 1-SR-71 PK to trim, 1-Mind Bender X Afghangooey, and 1- Jack Herer left. The SR-71 will be trimmed this week, and the MB x Gooey and Jack next week.
I'm building a 4'high x 4'deep x 8' long "bud box" to force flower another 16 girls starting next week. Plan on a August 1st harvest.....busy busy!.
Thanks for checking in...
Thanks, a busy mind is a happy mind...
TMB they are looking great really making me want to take the drive sooner raher than later. Looks like you got alot going on real busy. I have a hard enough time with the ones I'm working. I should have most of my mulch done by this weekend. Keepem green dirrtyd
Hello all-
Well worked on the greenhouse this weekend. Cleaned the house out, built a raised bed (2' x 8' x 16") and soil added. The soil has;
Forest humus, Mushroom compost, earthworm castings, steer manure, chicken manure, bat guano, lime, blood meal, fish bone meal, Dr. Earths soil starter (4-4-4), azmax, horse manure compost, Alaskan powered fish emulsion, and a few other things that was added in smaller amounts. All mixed together and watered in.
I want to start recording daily high/low temps and weather conditions here.
Today it was mostly cloudy and very cool, High temp 58.2, low temp was 39.4. Record low/high temp in Fresno today at 68 degrees.