My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

Rain, Rain, Rain.....
Friday nights low was 49.8 and Saturdays high under rainy skies was 57.0 degrees, not much temperature change. More rain today, tomorrow, and warmer temps by mid week.
Hello all-
Well the weather today is still wet, overcast, and gloomy outside. We had some thunder storms roll through here yesterday evening about 8:30pm. A very nice display mother nature put on for us. Then the skies opened up, we must of received well over an inch of rain last night. It was still raining hard when I went to bed last night at 1:00am. Saturday nights low was 52.2 degrees, and Sundays high was 71.4 under mostly cloudy skies. The sun came out for awhile.
The two SR-71's under the carport were SCROGGED yesterday. The BIG girl had a tough time because she was getting big, about 6', so bending her over was tough, but nothing snapped. The other Sr-71 the tops are just poking through, so no bending involved. I also trimmed out the crap underneath those two girls.
The girl in the greenhouse sure has perked up, the shock period is over, she looks great, I expect some rapid growth from her in the weeks to come.
I feel ya. Its been crappy weather here for the last week as well and its not about to change this week either. :/
Better weather on its way...
Sun is out, and things are looking great. The SCROGGED SR-71 under the carport has responded great to its bending and twisting. The Sr-71 in the greenhouse is perked up and loving life now. I will put the SCROG screen over the MONSTER in the greenhouse this week.
Sundays night low was 52.2, and yesterdays high was 68.4 degrees. Last nights low was 46.2 degrees.
Take Care...
Aren't all the reservoirs full yet?

Things should perk-up with the sunny days ahead

Hello all-
Not much to report except the fact that the sun was out....YEA!
Last night low was 53.2 and todays high under mostly sunny skies was 79.9 degrees.
Went to the local Indian Casino this evening and won $283 playing in a Texas Hold'm tournament, money towards the High Times Cannabis Cup in S.F. June 25th and 26th....double YEA!
Hello all-
Not much to report except the fact that the sun was out....YEA!
Last night low was 53.2 and todays high under mostly sunny skies was 79.9 degrees.
Went to the local Indian Casino this evening and won $283 playing in a Texas Hold'm tournament, money towards the High Times Cannabis Cup in S.F. June 25th and 26th....double YEA!
Great job at the casino. Enjoying your weather reports cant wait to see how high night time temps get. So far the plants are growing in 50 and 40 degree nights. You are tearing up a lot of myths here. Good work. dirrtyd
Hello all-
Well today I SCROGGED the other SR-71 in the cage. She is very unhappy right now. The girl in the greenhouse was also SCROGGED today. So all 5 SR-71's are now under SCROG screens.
The girls in the "bud box" are doing great. Flowers popping up everywhere, this idea is working out.
I did some dirt work in the weed cage today, leveling things out so when the REAL HEAT of summer arrives, I just flood the whole garden area.
Last nights low was 54.4 and today's high under full bright sunny skies was 84.4 degrees. exactly 30 degrees difference.
Stay Safe...
Hello All-
Another bright and sunny day, the weatherman is calling for sunshine and temps in the 80's- to low 90's the whole 10 day forecast. Seeing that, the girls got their first dose of Blue Mountain Organics Super Plant Tonic at half strength today.
Those people at BMO are so cool, They charge $8.00 a bottle on E-bay, and $8.00 for their Grow it Green. I just shoot them an E-mail asking them to send a PayPal money request for the items i need. She sent my bill....$6.00 for the SPT and GIG, (2 each = $24) and they are sending me a bottle of their Flower Power for free. And I bet when it gets here there will be a 2lb bag of bat guano or some other goodies in my package. They kick ass!
Off to Yosemite (Wawona) for a round of free golf (nice to be a local) with my buddies and my son.
Stay Safe...
Hello All-
Had a great day on the golf course today. My playing partner and I have known each other for over 30years. We dated sisters, he married the sister he was dating, but not me, she kicked me to the We grew up in the L.A. area, but these sisters parents loved Yosemite, so that's how I became to love Yosemite too. They bought property here, my buddies wife has worked for the company for over 24 years, so he gets free golf and I'm his guest. We do everything we can to beat each other on the course, so it's one hell of a grudge match.
I beat him today, I shot an 81, which is outstanding for me. He shot a good round too, 88, but 1 up for the treeman!
Last nights low was 57.9, and today's high under sunny skies was 84.2 degrees.
Slighty cooler temps this weekend.
"What an incredible Cinderella story! This unknown, comes out of nowhere, to lead the pack at Augusta. He's at the final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2-iron, I think. [swings, pulverizes a flower] Oh, he got all of that. The crowd is standing on its feet here at Augusta. The normally reserved crowd is going wild... [pauses] for this young Cinderella who's come out of nowhere. He's got about 350 yards left, he's going to hit about a 5-iron, it looks like, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing... [swings, pulverizes another flower] that's- oh, he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that! The crowd is just on its feet here. He's a Cinderella boy. Tears in his eyes, I guess, as he lines up this last shot. He's got about 195 yards left, and he's got a, looks like he's got about an 8-iron. This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now about to become the Masters champion. [swings, pulverizes yet another flower] It looks like a mirac- it's in the hole! It's in the hole!"

What's up jj-
Looks like your up and medicated....LOL
This is the real story...
I never broke 80, so with 3 holes left i had to go par, par, par to post 79. The 16th hole 510 yard par 5, hit a nice drive about 270 yards. Had 240 to the pin, and hit 3wood to the green, fantastic shot, on in 2. So had the eagle putt, went about 2 feet by, made birdie. So now I have to go par, bogey to break 80. Hit a fair drive the next hole, then hit a HORRIBLE 2nd shot into the high grass, ended up making double bogey, then bogey on the last hole. So I had my chances, but left it on the course.....sigh. I had a great time, so I guess that's what's it's all about, enjoying yourself!
Another weather update...
Well it cooled down a bit yesterday, 79.2 degrees was our high under sunny skies, and Friday nights low was 54.6. Going to be another day around 80 degrees i believe.
7 of the 9 MONSTERS are now under SCROG screens and A little pissed at me right now. I think the last 2 Mad Purps that were swapped in under the jj carport will NOT have a screen over the top of them, but I will put 5' wire fencing around them to keep them from sagging and bending when they get heavy with buds.
Enjoying the great weather...
Weather update-
Last night low was 53.2 and todays high under sunny skies was 80.1 degrees. Tomorrow the temps are expected to go up 8-10 degrees for a few days.
Hey Treeman, Congrats on the score. not a golfer but have played a few times. Girls are kicking here, bet yours are loving weather too?
What's going on Hodge-
Thinking of you often, hoping everything is going good for you.
Yes, the weather has taken a turn for the better and things are looking good around here. Hard to see a lot of progress when growing SCROG style size wise, but the insides are shooting up and filling in nice! Bending branches every few days under the screen, By July 4th they'll be hard to keep up with.

The 2 Mad Purps that were planted 2 weeks ago are showing signs of coming around. All in due time.
Sure miss your updates, but understand 100% why we don't get to see them any more.
Good Luck-
i like your idea of the box you just open and close TMB
Stoners really do have the best ideas lol
ill be watching this one too subbed
Love the box, I imagine flowering with high sun would be just like with a MH, small buds that are dripping with delicious oily resin.