My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

I think our snap pea plants brought in the mites to my garden this year, they were the first plants i noticed that had mites so i destroyed them, but by that time i started to see mite damage to the leaves of my cannabis.... sucks.... i wont be getting veggie plants from OSH any more.... now im on the defense and still tryin to keep control.... at this point its all i can do is try and keep them from totally infesting... id much rather have none but ill settle for very little if they wont go away all together you know, as long as they dont get to start webbing and the spots subside then i think ill be ok!
I think I'm on top of them now...
The last spraying was Avid, 4 gallons of it out of a backpack sprayer. Next week Green Light Fruit Tree spray, last time for the Mad Purps, but the SR-71's can use a few more (late bloomers) spraying's.
ive been workin to keep the infestation down... but once they get there all you can do is hold them back... its really hard to completely eliminate them when its outdoor, indoor is another story because aerosol foggers work great! O YA which i tried that last year by completely enclosing the plants in the carport and used 4 pyrethrin foggers and it did work pretty damn good! but they came back at minimal numbers.... but i dont have the canopies up this year as all but the super lemon haze are early finishers... so she is the only one that will go til the middle of oct the rest should be done in about 4 to 5 weeks and with the way the weather has been i dont see any storms coming anytime soon, but im not god sooo i could be wrong...
I think I'm on top of them now...
The last spraying was Avid, 4 gallons of it out of a backpack sprayer. Next week Green Light Fruit Tree spray, last time for the Mad Purps, but the SR-71's can use a few more (late bloomers) spraying's.

Sorry about the H20 trouble this morning TMB. I hope it works out for you.
Hello all-
I got up this morning early, 5:45am, hung out watching the hurricane news in NYC, while "talking to the hawk" (medicating). Went down to the garden, and started watering the girls when the wife yelled "TMB" (my god given name though) with that tone I hate to hear. Yes dear....
I think we have a water leak.....
I have an artisan well the drains into a 2500 gallon tank. The valve that comes off the tank and the line that feeds everything (house, garden, horses, everything) has separated and is leaking. I need to rebuild the line from the valve to the manifold, PAIN IN THE ASS. Had to chip-out (rock-bar) a bunch of cement/rocks so I have room to work. The wife is down the mountain and will phone me when she gets to Lowes for my parts order.

Lets hope this afternoon turns out better.

Hot weather....101.3 yesterday, going to be a pain in the ass this job, and the weather don't help.
I'll update after the wife comes home.

Sorry to hear that TMB, hope you can fix it an get on with your day. Crap like this always happens early in the morning or late at night, never conveniently at noon. I feel you on having to venture down the mountain for simple things, I always try and bring chinese food back up with me though, food sucks up here on my mountain.
Sorry to hear that TMB, hope you can fix it an get on with your day. Crap like this always happens early in the morning or late at night, never conveniently at noon. I feel you on having to venture down the mountain for simple things, I always try and bring chinese food back up with me though, food sucks up here on my mountain.
Too funny-
The wife is stopping by the Chinese food place to some food for lunch before she heads up the hill. Luv that Chinese food!
I'll like it with you Jozikins, Hows the fire down your way TMB? Had some problems with my well as of late too but all fixed now.
Bud worms are enjoying my medi but I'm not going to use anything else on them since their so close to harvesting, about 3 to 7 days now. Had a couple buds with damage that the wife dried and tried, said it's good but will be lots better once it's cured. Wish you luck with your water problem and look forward to visiting your neck of the woods soon.
I'll like it with you Jozikins, Hows the fire down your way TMB? Had some problems with my well as of late too but all fixed now.
Bud worms are enjoying my medi but I'm not going to use anything else on them since their so close to harvesting, about 3 to 7 days now. Had a couple buds with damage that the wife dried and tried, said it's good but will be lots better once it's cured. Wish you luck with your water problem and look forward to visiting your neck of the woods soon.

Thanks much Hodge! I hear that Thuricide can be used up to 2 days before harvest. But I just got the product and haven't tested that out yet. It's nasty stuff though, so I'm not sure. You could probably get away with Azamax if you have more than 3 days.
I'll like it with you Jozikins, Hows the fire down your way TMB? Had some problems with my well as of late too but all fixed now.
Bud worms are enjoying my medi but I'm not going to use anything else on them since their so close to harvesting, about 3 to 7 days now. Had a couple buds with damage that the wife dried and tried, said it's good but will be lots better once it's cured. Wish you luck with your water problem and look forward to visiting your neck of the woods soon.
Your always invited Hodge, a bit warm now, but that will change soon.
Fire not near me, but may need to help my partner evacuate.
Hey TMB. I just got some of the Green Light fruit tree spray. Should I still continue with the Green Light BT?
Hey TMB. I just got some of the Green Light fruit tree spray. Should I still continue with the Green Light BT?
I would use both. Spray one, then the other. I would make sure to use each one once a week. I wouldn't spray inside of 2-3 weeks of harvest, maybe the BT, but not the Fruit Tree Spray.
Good Luck...
cool...thanks. I got out there by 6 am and sprayed all of them with the Fruit tree spray. Maybe I will do the same tonight with the BT. The PK started flowering the week before July 18th (by the look of the pic with that date). So that would put me somewhere like 43 - 47 days in right? Is it still safe to spray her a couple more times?
cool...thanks. I got out there by 6 am and sprayed all of them with the Fruit tree spray. Maybe I will do the same tonight with the BT. The PK started flowering the week before July 18th (by the look of the pic with that date). So that would put me somewhere like 43 - 47 days in right? Is it still safe to spray her a couple more times?
Hard to say without seeing them with my own two eyes...
My PK hasn't even started flowering yet. It's s t r e t c h i n g for sure, and showing a few hairs, but not in flowering mode yet. She won't be done until mid-late November.
I think in your case I would spray today, and again in 3-4 days and monitor after that. If they look okay, leave them, if you see a major infestation, then spray again, but maybe with a home made mixture or something more organic.....using garlic & tobacco maybe?
Good luck...
Not to be a smart ass, but tobacco is far from organic! But seriously, I would like to see the effectiveness of tobacco, it's been a very interesting subject to me.
Been spraying twice a week with Safer Caterpillar Killer and still find large numbers of those little Fookers, going with the spinosad this next spray, not the medi's. Harvested some of the cola's, not quite ready but worm damaged. Havn't sprayed the medi's for 2 weeks and you would think I never sprayed them at all..
Been spraying twice a week with Safer Caterpillar Killer and still find large numbers of those little Fookers, going with the spinosad this next spray, not the medi's. Harvested some of the cola's, not quite ready but worm damaged. Havn't sprayed the medi's for 2 weeks and you would think I never sprayed them at all..

Damn, Hodge.
You're scaring me. Better get my glass out and give a thorough inspection. Load up the sprayer too.

Tell me about it...I need to go buy some stronger glasses (gotta love dollar tree). I only found one worm this morning though.