Hey everyone I just wanted to start a discussion about how certain people believe your water has to be room temperature to be delivered safely to plants and plant roots. Here is my argument. If you were hanging around out in the 90 degree sun for 12 hours would you rather have room temperature water or cold water(cold as in from the tap). Obviously you wouldn't want to give them ice water haha. Plants are a lot more like us than some people think. They both hold and give off heat same as we do. Now if we need cold liquids to keep us cool and hydrated wouldn't one think that a plant should too? Another point is for seedlings I would recommend either distilled or reverse osmosis,at room temperature just because of simple shock factor reasons. Once I hit my 3rd or 4th week in veg,be it seed or clone, I switch to cold tap water and have always had great results. Pay attention to PH levels though because some tap water can be either extremely acidic or alkaline. In my case I use crushed dolomite lime(added with soil at the beginning of grow and lasts usually the whole grow without worry of leaving the neutral area). I would like to hear other peoples experiences and thoughts on this as well. Feel free to leave a comment and also stop by my main page to veiw my grow journal.
3rd day of week 4 flower
3rd day of week 4 flower