My Organic Super Soil

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

I am new to growing organically, and this year im going to try and grow outdoors with a simple super soil recipe. Im not looking for perfection out of my plants, just some clean organic medicine. Here is the soil I mixed up:

2 - Bales of 3.8 cu.ft. Pro-Mix Mycorrhizae (Expands to 14 cu.ft.)

3 - Bags of Earth Worm Castings

1 - Bag of Black Gold Organic soil

2 Cups Dolomite Lime

3/4 Cup Azomite

3/4 Cup Epsom Salt

8.8lbs Fish Bone Meal

8.8lbs Blood Meal

I plan to grow in 20 gallon plastic garbage cans (with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage) and layer the soil in the following method: 1/3 super soil on the bottom, 1/3 50-50 mix of super soil and pro-mix in the middle, and for the top 1/3 just straight pro-mix.

Would this be an effective mix to use that will provide me with decent results at the end of the growing season?Any advice is appreciated. Thanks :)
you gonna be doing a lot of watering with the pro mix outdoors,peat and pro mix,both dry quick,if your going to stay on top of it ,like right with you ,you will be good,maybe set up a self watering system on timer were they are feed same time daily