Hello everyone!
I am new to growing organically, and this year im going to try and grow outdoors with a simple super soil recipe. Im not looking for perfection out of my plants, just some clean organic medicine. Here is the soil I mixed up:
2 - Bales of 3.8 cu.ft. Pro-Mix Mycorrhizae (Expands to 14 cu.ft.)
3 - Bags of Earth Worm Castings
1 - Bag of Black Gold Organic soil
2 Cups Dolomite Lime
3/4 Cup Azomite
3/4 Cup Epsom Salt
8.8lbs Fish Bone Meal
8.8lbs Blood Meal
I plan to grow in 20 gallon plastic garbage cans (with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage) and layer the soil in the following method: 1/3 super soil on the bottom, 1/3 50-50 mix of super soil and pro-mix in the middle, and for the top 1/3 just straight pro-mix.
Would this be an effective mix to use that will provide me with decent results at the end of the growing season?Any advice is appreciated. Thanks